When I went to have my psych eval, I was told that it was $200, but with insurance it would be $20. I received a $10 overpayment check in the mail today. You know they say you get what you pay for. I seen where others took writen test etc. I didnt but anyway, I question am I and maybe they missed it!!!!!. LOL
Anyway just wanted to know what your pscyh consults/evals consisted of?????????????
I HAD TO PAY 350.00 FOR MINE INSURANCE WOULD NOT COVER IT. IT WAS A 2 HOUR WRITTEN TEST AND THEN A 1 HOUR CHAT WITH THE DOC. woops sorry cp lock was on lol... the written test was weird it was like questions about you parents and the type of test that asks questions like would you steal if the money was on the ground and no one was around type of questions it was very silly.