I'm so stinkin' frustrated....
I just thought I would whine a little. I have been vasilating (SP) with five pounds for the last 2.5 months. I go up and down and can't seem to break the plateau! I upped my protien I drink enough water/coffee/crystal light to float a submarine, and I am walking about 2.5 miles 3 times a week plus all the walking I do outside the gym and no movement. GRRRRRRRR
I have not had my surgery yet so maybe I am not the best person to listen to here. But I just want to lend you a bit of encouragement and tell you to hang in there. I have been talking to everyone I can find about the post op life and weight loss because I want to get all the information that I can. I have heard so many people say the same thing as you at some point or another only to break through the plateau within a few days to a week. It seems everyone goes through a couple of these episodes where they are doing all the right things and the scale is either going u*****t budging. I can imagine how frustrating that must be. Keep in mind, though, that your body is going through major changes and it is shifting all of that body weight around. Your body is going to go through so many changes. Just remember that this will pass. One day soon you will hop on the scale and it will have moved in the right direction. As long as you know you are not doing anything wrong, it has to. Many have said that they went to a liquid diet for a few days and that broke the cycle. Just hang in there. I am sure it will pass soon and you will be back on track. Be proud of your amazing accomplishments thus far and concentrate on your goal. You will get there!
Michelle --
I stayed put for 2 weeks and that was enough frustation for me! I can't imagine 2.5 months. (Why don't they have a hair pulling icon???)
I wanted to ask you what your daily calorie intake is? If it's not high enough that could be what's causing your body to hold onto the weight.
Just thinking outloud.....
In the Zoo
Michelle, It is possible you are just where your body wants to be. I know it is frustrating and hard to come to grips with. I have the same problem. I go up and down 5 pounds and no matter what, that is as low as I go! Not sure exactly what your weight is at but maybe your body is happy! Trust me, it took me about 5 months of no loss to come to grips with the reality. All the best! ~Van
Thanks for checking in. I am at 205 down from 332. Which I am very happy about and I think I am looking decent in clothes but, I really would like to be between 150 and 175. I have only been back excercising for about 3 weeks so if nothing else I will firm it up a little. As long as I don't gain any back I can learn to be content but it will take time. I think I told you this when you first posted your new pic on your profile but you are looking very gorgeous! Take Good Care.