Low Blood Pressure anyone??
I went to the Doctor last friday and my blood pressure was low. The Doctor asked if I was feeling dizzy at all. Well, I have had a couple of times that I did, but I didn't think it was anything but not eating when I should have. Yesterday it happened again. I DO NOT want to be on meds to raise my blood pressure. Does anyone know is there a "natural way" to raise it, maybe add or remove something from my diet?Any help would be appreciated.
I had dizzy spells and I actually passed out once at home. It ends up it was hypoglacemia (sp) and I was not eating enough to raise my insulin. If I start to feel dizzy I eat a protein bar.
My blood pressure is consistently around 100/80 now that I have had the surgery. I used to have high blood pressure so it is so nice to have it normal.
I don't know if any of this helps but at least you know my experience.
on 2/22/06 1:01 pm - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 2/22/06 1:01 pm - ROYAL OAK, MI
Welcome to the low BP club and the low blood sugar club!!!! It makes for the faint feeling that makes the room spin and the lights go dim, sometimes I even feel faint sitting still in my seat at work and yes I have passed out several times. I have found most of the time I need to drink more water and eat more protein. Gee Whiz where have we heard that before I guess it goes with getting skinny!!!!
Good Luck,
I found out a few years back that I had HIGH BP, so they put me on Diovan 160/25. It seem to help quite a bit, although sometimes it still seemed a bit high.
Now that I've had the surgery, I was told to go off my meds, but it decided to go back up! I ended going back on them, but I think the dosage might be too high. One day I had 70/59! Not very good. One time I almost passed out here at the house.
I wish I had an answer. I am a saltiholic and I know they tell you to cut back on salt, but I think that might have something in regards to retaining water.