Okay... Who is up for the annual Frankenmuth get together???
We usually do it in May. It seems to be a good time for most of us. I know that is a couple of months down the road yet but, I we get started now, more of us will be able to fit it into our schedules and be able to get the day of work if need be. We always have a fabulous time when we get together. We will again be at the Frankenmuth brewery. It really worked out well last year. It was very nice great food and it was much more private. If you have never been I hope you will consider going. If you have been I am sure you will be looking forward to it. I am excited already just thinking about seeing everyone. Please post to this so that I can get an idea of how many will be attending this year so that I can get plans underway. Looking forward to seeing you all there. Toni
Hi Annette,
Later I will post a couple of dates and have everyone vote on it and which ever date gets the most votes will be the date that I set. I think this is the fairest way I can do it. I can never seem to be able to pick a date that pleases everyone so I go with the majority. I will be doing this soon so watch the board. Thanks....Toni