What is Greenfield Filter??????
I have to have a Greenfield Filter inserted Thursday 2/9/06. Has any one here had that ? Does it hurt? How long were you in Hospital? Where is the filter put on your body? Is there a scar and is it big?? Me and my mom have all these questions I have a consult on Wed 2/9/06 but everyone here explains things so much better than a doctor. And Me and my mom are a little scared. So anything to help me calm down. I think I am more afraid
of this (the not knowing)than the surgery which I have been researching for three years lol that must sound crazy.
Any information about the filter and the procedure will be great
Thank You
P.S. (I posted this too ) I have a date 2/21/06!!!!!!
Hi Angie, congratulations on your upcoming surgery date! You have nothing to worry about. I had a Greenfield filter put in 2 weeks before my RNY last July. It was a piece of cake! They installed it with just a local anesthetic. I was in and out of the hospital in about 2 hours. The actual procedure only took about 15 minutes. The doctor went in thru the right side of my neck to place the filter in my lower abdomen. Once the anesthetic wore off it hurt no more than a small bruise for a couple of days. I have no scar from it. I did take the day off from work tho and avoided heavy lifting for a couple of days at my doctors recommendation. After it was done I felt alot better about my upcoming surgery knowing that the filter was helping to protect me from possible blood clots. I'm sure your doctor will answer any other questions you have. Good luck and God Bless!
Hi Angie,
I was worried about my Greenfield filter, too, but it turned out the hardest part for me was the IV. Back then, it was always hard to get an IV going on me. Now I think they might actually be able to find some veins.
My filter was inserted through the femoral artery in my right groin. I was asleep for the prcedure and had complete confidence in the doctor that inserted it. It was a reassuring feeling to have a filter and not to worry about pulmonary emboli. I don't have a scar, not that *I* can see anyway. I was a little sore in the area for a couple of days, but it's hard to tell if it was from the filter or the angiogram I had to have done a month previous in the same spot.
I was told this is a retrievable filter, but so far my gastric bypass surgeon hasn't said anything about when it will be taken out. I don't see him until my year checkup in May, and I will bring it up then.
Good luck to you on your upcoming surgery, it will make you a heallthier person.
Debra M.
Angie, ask your surgeon if they can do it the day of the surgery. Mine was put in after I was knocked out for my RNY. The vascular surgeon did his thing, then my surgeon took over. I chose this because it means that I only had to have anesthestic one time and I didn't have to go through any anxiety issues twice. Do ask about whether or not it'll be removable. I want mine out (not that I'm looking forward to that part) but I don't want this foreign thing in my body all my life. Having the filter in means I can't be on hormonal birthcontrol.
In the Zoo
If you do not have the filter, then you have to give yourself blood thinner shots in the abs for 10 days after surgery. They are very expensive as well. I had to do the shots and it was truly a pain. The filter is the way to go. They leave it in after surgery and the chances of you ever dying from a blood clot in the lungs are just about nil. It kind of strains the blook and catches any clots before they reach your lungs.
Thank You everyone who answerd my questions I went today to meet the doctor and I am nervous but the doctor was great and I feel like I am in good hands.
I have surgery tomorrow at 9am have to be at hospital at 7am my mom wasnt too happy she is my driver and is not a morning person lol but she wants me to have every safety net I can.
Thanks again for the replys.