Question About Hair Loss
Ok, I'm resolved to the fact that my hair is falling out. I started taking vitiamin E and 1500 mg of biotin last month and may start taking zinc.
My question - did any of you notice that you hair was either dry and/or coarse? If so, what did you do for that?
Also, I was told (in my binder) to take 50 mg of zinc in the morning and the afternoon. Why is that? I know not to take zinc with my calcium, as it interfers with the absorpition. Ok, how long do I wait between taking the two??
Calcium, Magnesium and Vit D can be taken together. Wait at least an hour before taking anything else.
Iron is ONLY to be taken with Vitamin C and wait 1 1/2 hours before taking anything else.
Vitamins A, D, E, Zinc can be all taken together, I'm not sure about waiting after these, I wait an hour (just to be sure).
Hair - my hair is a little more dry then it used to be, but nothing really noticeable. It's soooo much better now that I got it cut short. I dont have anywhere near as much drain gunk in the shower.