Food Stuck
I just had my surgery on 12/12/05 and I have my first problem. How do you know if you need to go to the doctors/hospital if food is stuck? At first the pain was horrible but it has calmed down after throwing up but only liquid came out. I didn't even eat that much, I htink I just didn't chew it up good enough. Its been about 3 hours and I'm afraid to try to eat or drink anything. I don't want to sound like hypercontriac!
stuck food - I've heard to try some meat tenderizer mixed with a little water. I've heard to sip some hot tea.
I personally have had this happen only once and I went with the hot tea. Go easy on the foods for a day or so because your throat/pouch could be irritated from it.
You're not a hypercontriac - this is something that most of us will go through at least once.
In October, I gulfed down a chicken sandwich (minus the bread) and a piece of chicken got lodged in my pouch.
What happen was I continually burped and it hurt painfully to do that, and I could not take in any food or liquids at all.
I ended up at the ER, where they made me (*yes, made me) drink the dye for a CT Skan, not wondering where it would go, I threw up all of it, and the nurse became infuriated and yelled at me....they did not give me Gastric Bypass portions. Idiots. I was admitted and my surgeon who did my Gastric Bypass had to do an ENDOSCOPE where he indeed found, chopped up the piece of chicken *I'm sorry if this is too graphic - it is honest account of what happened* and said I would have to remain admitted until I threw up the chicken OR it passed. I was in the hospital 4 days, and was only allowed ICE CHIPS until it passed and then I was given a soft diet to see if I could tolerate it before I was discharged.
I can honestly say that this is something he said "will pass in time" that you have to lay down and perhaps go into the fetal position, and possibly end up in the ER or DR's. office.
I know for my own self, it is a learning experience and it could happen again, but my surgeon was clear to me "NO NORE CHICKEN OR POULTRY FOR ONE YEAR"....IT IS a sticky meat, and some people just can't eat it.
Hopefully this will help and give you an ordeal that I went through that was horrible but I did make it through, and so will you
UHHH,,,,,, DO NOT drink meat tenderizer with water. Sip a little warm water and see if it moves through. If you have food stuck you will know it real fast. If you still feel stuck try to puke it up. After that you may need to get scoped and tweezed out. But DO NOT drink meat tenderizer with water. Your inards are made of meat.
kp @ goal
I have to say that stuck food for me was one of the was the closest I ever want to be to having a heart attack. My chest hurt so bad that I thought that was what was happening. It took time, time and more time for it to pass. I tried to throw up but it was like cement in my throat. throwing up is so different now. My motto is dont try anything new unless your home near your own toilet. Ditto on the warm drinks and soft food for a couple of days.
Hi Francine,
My nutritionist said that pineapple is a natural meat tenderizer. She also told a group of us that if we do happen to get meat stuck to try some crushed pineapple first. If it doesn't work then to mix a small amount of meat tenderizer with some warm water and sip on it. She said this will usually work if doesn't, and you can't get it up on your own then contact your surgeon you may or may not need to have an E.G.D. (scope) done. I hope you get un~stuck.
God bless you,
1. We are meat. We shouldn't be tenderized. It can erode the staple line and ulcerate the staples.
2. It can cause you to choke to death.
3. If she vomits it up with the solution and aspirates it, it will destroy her lungs.
4. It contains msg. nuff said.
I'm sure there are more reasons but this is all I needed to hear from the medical staff.
Sip a little water to see if it moved and if it hasn't try to puke it up. After that it's off to the ER.