3 Wild Women Trip!!
Erin Gaynord, Patty Brown and I spent the day together yesterday. We went to the city for Erin's doctor appointment. We laughed and laughed and Erin flirted with this poor student doctor who had the unfortunately luck of being assigned to her doctor that day!! lol
After that we went upstairs and had a visit with Chele. She's doing great. She should be coming home today. I'm sure she missed her babies this week and will be eager to be at home again.
We went to lunch with another wls friend of Erin's Loretta, and it turns out that I've talked with Loretta a lot before on the OH main board's chat room. She looks GREAT!! Patty looks GREAT!! Erin looks GREAT!!! and DUH - of course I look GREAT!!! (haha) Four sexy women at lunch was turnin' some heads!!! It was sooo much fun.
HAVE to do it again soon!!!
That poor poor poor litte boy... After dealing with me well US
I KNOW one day he'll make a GREAT doctor...LOL
We ALL do need to do more things together! Thanks for comming along and keeping me company! Besdies I couldn't ask for better support for two BIG appoinments
in one day then you and Patty.
*going to put on my "MANTIES" and play tennis......