Century Club Members, may I join you?
Greetings and salutations to all!
Why do I have such a hard time believing this is really happening to me? I had a drs. appt. today and jumped on the scale just to "check"...
It happened!! -100.2 lbs.!!! I don't own a scale, so I just check when I'm seeing my dr., she loves to know, too. Okay, now what do I need to do to get one of those cool Century Club gold cards for my profile?? I'm so excited!
Thank you to everyone who've been so supportive and for all the sharing here on the board, it has made this journey easier, better, and fun.
Lizzie B
A great big congratulations on hitting the century mark. Isn't this surgery a wonder. Once you find out how to get your century card, let me know. I never pursued it before, but I would like one on my profile, too. No weight loss in almost a month, now four pounds in a week, go figure.
Debra M.
A HUGE Woo Hoo for you!!! I missed you today--where were you? I was working and have a bag of large sweaters, if you want them. We are so busy with interviewing down at New Boston. We are gone from 9am to 11pm everyday. Difinitely exhausting. Got some good interviews but only one I would hire on the spot---but didn't --but will hire her. Only problem is that she wants part time.
We hired a new pharmacist for Adrian!!! Can you believe it? She has worked 20 years at CVS and what a people person. She is bringing her ace tech with her. That will let Einar play at Adrian and New Boston.
Those Adrian techs are in for a shock. I've been working with them all week and will continue until all is clean, organized and everyone is trained on the computer. They don't know about the changes that will occur soon.
Again, congrads on the century club---I'm glad to have you sit right beside me.
Marti L