Getting Closer to surgery
I just completed the psych eval and some of those questions were common sense and others were a little strange but they most likely just want to see your reactions to the questions.I think I did ok except when she asked me some math questions,I am not good with math.Now only one more day of tests the 25th my stress and heart test.It is so strange that my ins. Molina will pay for the surgery but not the psych eval how are low income people supposed to pay for that? I called all over some of them were charging 600 but I found one in standish who will do it for 150 and i got real lucky that my mother gave me 200 for christmas.Maybe they think if we can't pay for it then they don't have to pay for the surgey? I hope not cause that's kinda mean.but anyway I am getting a little excited the closer I get I even found those jeans in my closet and thought maybe I can wear them someday soon!!