single ladies, have you noticed???
hey ladies,
Just wondering if you have noticed since the weight loss younger guys being more attracted to you?
I am 36 and I can't seem to go anywhere without 22 ~ 28year old****ting on me... and they are fine! LOL>>>>
NOW, don't get me wrong this is not a bad thing, just weird to me!!!! Not used to it I guess.... it used to be the older than me (36+) men hit on me, now everything is different!!! WOW...
Well, just wanted to see if it was me or something in the air! LOL...
Still looking for a job, the hairloss is slowing down, dating is great, but still hangin in there waiting for the job!
Hope all is well!!
1lb from lossing 100lbs!!!!!! wow..
They don't care of your married or not I am having the same response and I wear a wedding ring it still don't stop them! I was called a MILF by some of my daughters friends and I had to tell them that was disrespectful but on the inside I was jumping up and down with JOY! LOL
Patty Alley
297/ 151
I was in a bar in Ferndale last year with some girlfriends and this young guy came up to (I was 36 then) and said, "You are so f-ing sexy. Can I buy you a drink?" I was floored. Of course I said yes and flirted like crazy for a little bit(I am married).
I have found that with the weight loss I look much younger than my years. The young guys do flirt, but I just think it is because they have no idea how old I really am.
I eat it up, and do not mind a bit. Matt gets a kick out of it too.
thanks for the replies ladies!
Fun fun life now! I just sit back and think about the fun and giggle!
Headed to tip up town this weekend with a group of girls... sooo, better get to packing..
Thanks for the comments, i thought i was losing it! LOL....
OH>>>>>>>> down 100lbs today!!!! YEA!