A few pictures...

Theresa W.
on 1/12/06 1:03 am - Northern Lower, MI
...from the Henry For Centurian Induction Ceremony. If you'd like to take a peek, feel free! Go to www.picturetrail.com and type in jmwagner. Hugs, Theresa Back exercising and fighting the head hunger snacking! Geez!
Annette L.
on 1/12/06 1:30 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hey Theresa, Very nice pictures. Yes he is a cutie, no doubt! You heard what the ladies said~get in line. While you're making copies of your song, If you don't mind I would like one too. I'll pay you for it. You could personalize them and sell them, you know when you said "insert surgeon name here"....Could become a big seller in this community. God bless you, Annette
Theresa W.
on 1/12/06 1:37 am - Northern Lower, MI
You're too funny Annette!! But yes, I'd be happy to make you one. I will not charge for it though...maybe just the shipping, if anything. I have to get with hubby and be sure he still has it on the recorder and burn some for whoever may want one. Thanks so much for the compliment! You're a sweetie! Hugs, Theresa
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