Hello everyone--
I just got off the phone with the hospital about these stomach pains that I keep having. I can only describe them as it feels like something is trying to push my stomach from the bottom up and inside out. It only lasts for 3-5 seconds but it is very intense. I don't even want to breathe when this happens. The nurse I talked to still thinks they are gas. She told me that some patients may have these pains for up to 2 weeks. AAAHHHHH......... She asked if I was doing any kind of exersize. I told her that I am on the treadmill for an 1/8 mile every 2 hours. I am also bending and moving my arms and upper body left and right. So I guess this is to be expected. I also am trying to get my water and food (broth) though I don't feel like putting anything in. I am sure that I will only get better. God bless all of you-- Sam
Hi Sam -
Had those after both babies/C Sections and the RNY. I recommend GasX- available at any drugstore - *if* it is on the list of approved OTC meds from your Dr. It's on my list and I am forever grateful.
It will save your life. The simethicone helps the gas move through the track faster and allows it to come out. Not great for those around you but honestly, you just won't care.
Best of luck,
Michele P
Hi Sam,
Everyone's right on, and GasX is available as a generic, too. The simethicone is the key, it's what makes it different than tums, rolaids, etc. It only took me once to feel what you're feeling, then I started on my GasX. They're chewable, minty flavor...of course you should check your surgeon's information or give the office a call (my disclaimer). It's what my surgeon's office told us to have on hand prior to surgery. Hope you feel better fast!
Lizzie B