Just dropping in to say hi...
It's been forever since I've logged into the site...was nice to see alot of familiar posts and new ones. I get homesick when I see all of your posts. My job is really keeping me busy but I'm adjusting to NM pretty good.
I'm 16 months out and feeling pretty good, I'm a little anemic but other than that in good health. I can still eat to fast and get the hiccups that seem to last forever or take to big of a bite and get it stuck...but I can eat most anything. My weight has evened out at between 155-160 which is comfortable...am in a size 10. I'm more than ready for some plastic surgery but money and time off are both big issues for me so guess I'll put it off for a little while longer. I want to have my arms and a breast lift done first because those bother me the most. I don't have any rash issues so I don't think my insurance will cover a tummy tuck...the surgeon I saw said he would do a belt incision when he did my tummy tuck and pull up my butt at the same time. Got a laugh out of picturing that. My legs were the last thing he'd do since the other things bother me more.
I'm missing all of you, I just havn't connected with anyone at the NM support group but have some co-workers that have or are going to have the surgery and have good support with them.
Hopefully this summer some time I'll get back to MI to visit.
Thank you Theresa...
Sounds like you had a good night last night, congratulations!
I'll definitely be looking you up if I get to come back for a few days.
The offer is always open if you're looking for some sunshine...even when it's cold at least the sun is shining here. I have a spare room all ready for company.