Sapala/Wood Micropouch

(deactivated member)
on 1/9/06 6:42 am - IN
I am wanting to hear from people that have had the Sapala/Wood Micropouch. I am 6 yrs out and am gaining weight. I am doing some research about this. I found out some interesting information this weekend ...4 other people that have had it ,all gained ALL the weight back and then please tell me your experience and how far out you are and which Dr. you had do your surgery. You can e-mail me privately and i will keep your name confidential..Thank you for any help you can give Val
on 1/9/06 7:06 am - Detroit, MI
HEY SWEETLADY!! I have the Sapala-Wood Micropouch! I am down 140 pounds and will be 2 years out on February 12, 2006. Dr Kerry Kole was my surgeon from The CORI CENTERS and I really believe that it's the person not the "METHOD" that's used to help them reduce their weight. Email me sweetie and I will go into more detail as far as my personal experience with having the MicroPouch ((((HUGS))) Alicia~The Prettiest "DIVA" Kitty
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/06 7:19 am - IN
Girl i am so upset...John and I were in Detriot all weekend i did not have your phone number or address with me I was so mad.I was going to call you and hopefully get to meet you and my Lil Diva's We just had a spur of the moment mini vacation up to my Sisters in Belleville ,we stayed in a hotel there both nights and Sat came to Detroit to go to the James King bookstort right there by the MGM Casino...I wanted to call you so bad..but i had changed purses and had a new address book so did not have your info Next time i bet i do ..Anyway...i will email ya later..i have to get off lind for now.Tell those Babies Auntie Val loves them Love you Val
(deactivated member)
on 1/9/06 10:25 am - Oak park, MI
I guess I am a little confused over the surprise of people gaining weight. I have heard over and over again that regain is always possible. My surgeon was very upfront with that. That is one of the major critisms of this surgery. Many in the health care industry use this argument against WLS. No one ever told me I would never gain the weight back. I am/was aware that I have to modify my life and keep exercising just as any normal person would. I have to watch what I eat and know that that the absorption rate increases over time. I was made aware that our bodies eventaully learn to compensate and our pouches get softer and more flexible. All of my research supported this and the wealth of information out there says the same thing. I am very aware how diligent I have to be. I know that in time I may have to cut back even more to support my current weight. I have the Micropouch and it was done in 2003 by Dr. Keith Marshall who was trained by Sapala. My cousin actually had Sapala do hers in 99 and has to work hard to keep her weight off as well. I look at it as though I am a regular person. Most thin people I know have to diet and exercise forever. Without this mentality we are doomed for failure. To think we are set for life because of this surgery is dangerous thinking. I am ok with having to work hard to keep it off. At least now I can, and I know what thinner feels like. My Mom's favorite saying is "nothing tastes as good as thin feels." Boy is she right. Take care, Terri
on 1/9/06 8:17 pm - Detroit, MI
I agree, Terri. Our pouch is but a tool to help us lose and keep the weight off. We still have to work at it - for the rest of our lives. I had my surgery with Dr. Taylor. I am almost 6 months out and I can already tell that I can eat more food than just a couple of weeks ago. Thank goodness I dump on sugar and high fat or I would be in trouble!! I have read that if you have gained weight back, by following the pouch rules the weight will come off again. We knew going into this that it was not an easy fix, but I'm very glad that I know there will always be that tool there to help me if I begin to gain again. Darla
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