2 months post op - exercise motivation needed!

on 1/9/06 5:07 am - Grand Haven, MI
I'm new to this site and wish to say hello to all of you. I have recieved so much advice just from reading all of the posts. So thank you as well. I will be 2 months post op on the 11th and have lost 51 pounds so far!!! However, I am needing some advice on how to work exercise into my day. I have a 4 year old and an 8 month old and am finding it difficult to get my exercise in each day. Help?
on 1/9/06 7:38 am - MO
With 2 children under 5, I assume you're getting in plenty of exercise just chasing them around the house! Jon
on 1/11/06 12:20 am - MI
just start by doing 10 -15 mins at a time maybe twice a day. it doesn't have to be done all at once. i really like the exercise ball and some 3 or 5 pound weights. good for trunk (stomach and lower back) strengthing. you cando sit ups on it. push ups to if you dare :> use you 8 month old as weight , lay on the floor and lift him up a few times. mix in quality time with the babe. get a mickey mouse work out tape and have the 4 yr old work out with you. you can add more intensity for you. go walk the mall for 20-30 mins w/ the kids in a stoller? just remember you don't have to work out for hours to get the benefit. do you have stairs in your house? go up and down for 3-5 mins add more time as you can tolerate. can your husband watch the kids while you go go a 20 min walk or something? i had to insist . i reminded (made him feel guilty) that i needed his help to make this work and this is what i needed.) anyway congrates on the weight loss. above all make the time. now is the time for life changes. God Bless!! chris
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