I think I dumped for the first time, I don't want to do that again!!!

Annette L.
on 1/6/06 12:51 pm - Farmington Hills , MI
Well I was still full of energy today until, I ate 5 cashews. They made me very sick. I was dry heaving and on the at the same time. My heart was pounding. I felt shaky, and cold. Then I felt really tired. I think I dumped for the first time today. I'm not sure though. I am sure that I will never eat nut's again! I thought they were a safe food. I won't try fatty foods or anything with more than 2 grams of sugar in it, because I don't want to get sick. I was surprised that I got so I'll from nuts. I did try simply jiff peanut butter a while back. I remember that made me sick, but not like this. Oh well, live and learn! I was supposed to go shopping and get a new outfit tonight. I just didn't feel up to it after this episode. We're going to go tomorrow. I've had enough for today, so I'm going to go to bed. God bless you all, Annette
on 1/6/06 1:02 pm - Kalamazoo Area, MI
Oh hugs to you Annette! {{{Annette}}} I too thought nuts were a safe food. Guess everyting is just a try and see. As to the peanut butter, if I recall correctly, there is a lot less sugar in natural pb rather than something like jiff. Hope you feel better soon. Sheryl in the Zoo
Annette L.
on 1/7/06 12:37 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Sheryl, Thank you for the hugs. I do feel much better today. I think I just can't have nut's anymore. The simply Jiff has less sugar than regular Jiff. I compared all of the labels, even the natural ones. Simply jiff has only 2 grams of sugar, but it does have 16 gr. of fat. God bless you Sheryl, Annette
on 1/6/06 9:42 pm - St. Clair Shores, MI
((((Annette)))) Sure hope you are feeling better this morning!! Go buy that new...SMALLER outfit...shopping always makes ME feel better!!! I'm surprised that you got that sick from cashews!! I eat them and don't have a problem with them...maybe it's just too early for you to be eating something like that!! Hope you got some good sleep and are feeling much better today!! Hugs, Cheryl
Annette L.
on 1/7/06 12:44 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Cheryl' Thank you, I'm getting ready to go shopping. I do feel much better today. I was very surprised, and was thinking why is this happening, I didn't eat any sugar. Guess sugar's not the only thing we have to watch out for. God bless you, Annette
Cheryl Barrett
on 1/6/06 10:56 pm - Redford, MI
Annette, So sorry to hear you got sick. Guess the pouch is working for you. It may be that it is too soon or you may not be able to have them. Just wait awhile and maybe try again in a few months. Did you chew chew chew? Hugs, Cheryl
Annette L.
on 1/7/06 12:51 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Hi Cheryl #3, My pouch is most definately working. I'm grateful for it, but don't ever want to expierence that again. I did chew, chew and chew some more. I feel much better, but have noticed that pouchie is a bit sensitive today. God bless you, Annette
(deactivated member)
on 1/7/06 12:34 am - Oak park, MI
The thing is, you can eat the same food 9 times and on the 10th time dump on it. Dumping can be unpredicable and annoying. I dumped on a half of a tuna sandwhich a cup of soup yesterday. I eat this all of time and never have problems. Just because you dump on something once, does not mean it will always happen. Nuts are a very healthy alternative and most WLS patients do not have problems with them. Maybe it is just too early yet. I ate a scrambled egg about 3 weeks post op and dumped so bad I thought I was going to die. It was the worst dumping I have ever experienced. I now eat eggs regulrly with no problems. Just give yourself some time. In a couple of months you may not have any issues at all with them. Be careful of swearing off the healthy foods that may make you sick this early one. Your system learns to adjust and you will build up tolerances. Take care, Terri
Annette L.
on 1/7/06 12:58 am - Farmington Hills , MI
Thank you Teri. Maybe I'll try them again in a few months from now. That was so bad and happened so fast. Cashews have always been one of my favorites. I'm just kind of afraid to try any kind of nut at this point. How are you feeling? Getting any better? Take care, Annette
on 1/7/06 9:33 am - Irons, MI
(((Annette))) I feel for you too I dumped this morning on BACON!!! Not fatty bacon either but I had the same sensations and reactions as you...I defineitly do not like that feeling at ALL!!!! Glad you are feeling better Melissa K
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