i'm fine...just stupid.
on 1/3/06 7:38 pm
on 1/3/06 7:38 pm
*sigh* well, let's just say that i ran out of my anxiety meds about 4 days prior to all of this...to kind of put it into perspective. haha
friday, i was seen in the er with a migraine. they gave me a shot, but it never really went away. i was downing vicodin and extra strength tylenol like a crazy woman. i was sick - throwing up, had no appetite, my head hurt...then the withdrawal symptoms started to kick in (racing heart, tightening in my chest, nausea, shaking,...). this, coupled with the fact that until i read terri's post, i absolutley no idea that there was tylenol in vicodin, threw me completely over the edge. i looked up some information on the net, and that got me even more worked up and worried...so i called my husband home, he took me to the er. they tested my liver (which was fine), gave me some klonopin (the anxiety/muscle relaxer med that i'd stopped taking suddenly), and sent me home. turns out it was just a rather major panic attack, but it really scared me. we stopped at a drug store on the way home to fill my med script, and to get a pill organizer for damien to fill so that i can keep a better track of my meds. he also hid the tylenol and the vicodin for me (at my request). i honestly had no idea how dangerous it could be. i've been taking vicodin along with tylenol for awhile now because of back pain or headaches...just not quite to the extent that i'd been taking them this past weekend. so...now i know (and feel a bit stupid).