Double Whopper WOW Moment
Well Burger King is having this big push for the Double Whopper lately and It got me thinking. It has been over 1 year and 3 months since I have eaten a whopper or a big mac, I am a guy who works on the road all day long. I lived on all the fast food giants crap for all those years! I thought i would never be able to stop. ! 1 year and 3 months! Is that unbelievable. Thanks Doctor Wood.. From my heavest 427 lbs down to 255 in 15 months and 2 weeks.. who would have thunk it. Hockey 3 times a week and muscle and agility back at 40 ... All the pain and suffering was worth it I would do it again in a heart beat... Oh and Hi everyone been a while since i have posted. But besure I am always watching I will not desert my weight loss brothers and sisters....