Question about Bruising
I asked this on my December board but noone replied, I thought Maybe someone here may have an answer for me...
Ok I had my surgery on 12/16/05 and have lost 80 pounds as of today.. I have been bruising horribly.. the blood vessels in my hands seem to be extreamly fragile and the burst without doing anything to them.. I had like 12 small bruises on my hand this morning they followed along my blood veins and boy did they sting, so I know they were burst blood vessels but I didnt hit my hand or anything so im not sure how they got there... and i have bruises all over my legs from where I bump into stuff...
When i had my 3 month blood work I had low B12, So now Im doing the Sublingual (Spelling) and Im doing the Calcium.. along with my daily vit.
My Question, Is anyone else having this issue? Should i be concerned, and call my Dr.. Or is it because Ive lost so much fat between my blood vessels and my skin that they are just more voulnerable??
Thank you all in advanced..
on 5/18/06 12:48 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 5/18/06 12:48 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
Someone explained it to me this way.... We have over 6 miles of tiny capilaries in each pound of FAT on our body, as we lose weight these capilaries have to go somewhere and so you might find you have more brusing during certain phases of weight loss. Another told me to make sure if I was only eating fish for protein that I wasn't taking a fish oil supplement because that can also cause unexplainable bruising. At one point in my weight loss I looked like I had been beat up on a daily basis, I looked like a color key map of green yellow and purple with some shading of black here and there. I would bruise on my shoulders and my tummy, both very very odd places to bruise.
Hope this helps,