Workout Question
Hi Sheryl,
The way charts are "normally" set up is they show a range for fat burning than above it,if you push your heartrate up and increase your intensity/level/slope- you move up to a cardiac/aerobic activity level.. This means that along with burning fat, you have increased your energy output and have increased exercise benefits. I don't know yourexercise schedule or the suggested amount that your doctor has prescribed so- stay within a level that is recommended. If you push your body too hard, you may pass the cardio/aerobic level which means you are working too hard. Try to stay within your targeted range// Hope this helps-- not trying to be a "know it all" just lots of years of exercising
First of all, unless you are at a normal weight range and in relatively good physical shape, those charts would not even apply to you.
People just starting out need to gauge their activity on they feel. Your breath should be controlled but heavy. You should be breathing hard but able to have coversation. If you are gasping for breath or unable to maintain steady breathing, then you are working too hard. The heart is a muscle like any other that needs to be built. What one person can sustain, another will not be able. Over time, you will be able to do more as you challenge yourself and get stronger. Those heart rate charts are not for your average person.
That's good to know Terri, both about the chart and the breathing. My breathing is good, maybe too good I've started swimming laps 3x a week and water aerobics 2x a week. What a concept . . . exercise really does help weight loss. I could become addicted to this!
Thanks for your sound advice.
In the Zoo