Getting down to the nitty-gritty: Bowels!!!

on 5/15/06 8:08 am - Waterford, MI
Okay, I just gotta ask. What's it like after surgery? I read of some being constipated; I read of loose bowels; I read of gas problems, and... I read of very stinky bowels and some pill that youcan buy to help with the smell!!! What's the real poop???!?!? (pardon the pun). What is your guy's experience? Is each person different? Do you always have foul-smelling bowel movements (not that any, I suppose, smell like roses), but does it get worse? Do most people have a problem with gas and/or gas pains? Not one of the seminars I've gone to have addressed this, and I forgot to ask. Just want to know what I'm getting myself in for (in this respect). Thanks for your replies.
S W.
on 5/15/06 8:36 am - MI
I learned shortly after surgery that 'air' has less room to travel that's why our 'air' smells more foul. Foods that cause gas, ie., vegetables, fatty foods, carbs, and a few others cause this problem. Even some proteins can cause it. How I adjusted lately is following the advice of KP -- drink lots of water. As for the "poop" of things, I just notice that if I eat more fiber, I go more regular, which keeps me from being FOS (full of s*it) therefore keeping me out of the ER. I keep an eye daily on what I eat, drinking lots of water, and monitoring my fiber intake so that I keep a regular...uh, you know. As for immediately post op, I was on liquids for what seemed like 4 weeks, then soft foods, and I just don't recall any pain what so ever, but I did remember and still do remember that GAS X seemed to help with the "air" problems, and that you might want to carry a can of lysol least if you work in a public place and can't suddenly excuse get's rank. I call it TOXIC. For the most part, I didn't have loose bowels unless I dumped, which I did once in a while from the testing of eating something I shouldn't. I don't think my poop stinks any worse than it did before, just that I make sure I go at least 2 times a day now to make sure I don't get constipated. That causes me to end up in the ER. So in short, to the best I can tell you from my experience, have gas x handy, drink lots of water, and watch what you eat. Also, a trick I learned when I was in the south, when eating Legumes, which cause gas, try a little dash of ginger (the spice) in it and that should help alleviate some of the problem if not all. I don't eat bean soup without a couple dashes. And you can't really taste it if you don't add that much. Hugs......and hope this helps!
on 5/15/06 10:08 am - Waterford, MI
Thanks Stacey. I appreciate it. Do you think that different people are different in this regards, or does it seem to be just a fact of WLS? Also, do you know of this pill I've heard people speak of? And does it work? After WLS, do people go to the bathroom more than prior to the surgery?
Judy G.
on 5/15/06 12:14 pm - Galion, OH
Hi Patty I have asked this same type of question on here and I was told DEVROM works really good and to also use OUST to cover the smell. I haven't had the WLS yet but I am getting ready for it...this is the only real concern I have is the stink because I work with the public. Good Luck...Judy
S W.
on 5/15/06 10:11 pm - MI
Yes, I think people are different, and it's also about what foods we eat. Some people can't eat tuna, or milk, or cottage cheese ...while others can't eat green vegetables like me. It is about what you put in your mouth as well. I think that once you have WLS, follow your surgeon/doctors advice and rules and if you run into problems, they are there for you. Also, we are here too...and have gone through it. I just take baby steps, and learn as I go. It's like people say, it's "rebirth".
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