Secret Pals Take Note
on 5/15/06 12:46 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 5/15/06 12:46 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
I just wanted to say I have sent three packages to my secret pal and have not heard a word from her, I don't know if she got them, if she has moved, I do KNOW they have not been sent back. So here is my question.....What do I do now? Do I continue to send her a package each month without knowing if she is getting these things? 90 days is a long time to NOT hear from someone about packages. I hope I am not missing her posts, I know I was recently in the hospital but I searched back through the posts and didn't see anything. What's a PAL to do?? Jen Allen you have any suggestions?
I was wondering the same thing. I kind of figured out who my secret pal was and saw that she posted she was moving to Oregon. I had not recieved anything for two months or so. I e-mailed her and told her if she wanted to mutually drop the SP deal cuz she was so busy that would be fine with me. I have not heard a word back so I am in a holding pattern. No new address.....
on 5/16/06 1:05 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
on 5/16/06 1:05 am - ROYAL OAK, MI
Its not a matter of not getting anything, I wasn't making a complaint about MY SECRET PAL!! My secret pal sends me things!! The point I was trying to make is the person I am sending secret pal gifts to has just dropped off the face of the earth when it comes to posting that she got her packages. I am just saying I hope she is getting her things, thats ALL!! Her computer might be messed up or something, but hey if that is the case ask to go on someone elses computer, or she might be like me in the hospital for a bit...who knows but it has been along time and I just want to know she got the things I sent. I am not even asking for a "thank you note" just want to know I am not sending packages to a black hole!!!