Recent Tummy Tuckers
Thank you all for your responses,
Terri I remember now how long it took you now I'm really worried since I am going with the same doctor. I called them this morning since that was the one question I forgot and they told me it could take months to get the approval, I think they are pushing to have separate surgeries so they get paid more. I only want one surgery for all the problems.
Thanks again to everyone!
I am SO not there yet, but my mom works for Dr. Ellen Janetzke (in her spa). Her office is in Birmingham and from what I understand she does quite a bit of work on post WLS patients. I don't know how set on your doc you are, but maybe keep looking while you are waiting. Who knows you may find someone better and that can do what you want and in the time frame you are looking.
Here is her website if you are interested.
Good Luck!
The thing is, they give the office an authorization code and that guarantees payement. Without that code, the insurance compnay can deny the billing. People who have this done without getting that code are taking the chance of being rejected. It is not necessarily a pre auth, justa guarantee of payment. I would wait it out. They denied me pending a second opinion. Had I gone through and NOT had the codes, I might have been denied and royally screwed. Trust me. I know how hard the waiting is.