5 for the 10th
Wow, I can't believe it's been a month since my tt already. I'm feeling really good. Swelling is going down some and my jeans are gapping at the waist line.
Here's Five for today:
1. What are your summer plans?
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
4. What's your ring size?
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
My answers:
1. What are your summer plans?
We plan on camping for 10 days during July shutdown. I hope to take the kids to Michigan Adventure again this year, they LOVE it there. That's about it for our plans.
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
My daughter was about seven years old at the time. We had just moved to Marlette, MI (up in the thumb) and the kids were in awe over the Amish and their horse& buggies. One day we went to a bulk food store. Elisha asked, "Mommy, why do these Amish people drive cars?" I told her they're not Amish, they're Menninite. She sat there for a few seconds and then asked, "Well, then where are the WOMENites?"
Oh the innocence of childhood!!!!
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
I have lost 136 pounds and I don't want to lose anymore.
4. What's your ring size?
My wedding ring was a size 10.5 at my highest weight. But it was too small and I didn't wear it. Today it's a size 6.5 and it's just about a 1/2 size too big still. My ring finger on my right hand was a size 11 and it's now a size 7 and it's probably a whole size too big.
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
I LOVE sandles!!! But not the kind with the thing that goes between your big toe and the next one. That irritates the heck out of me. I have no clue what I'm going to do for shoes this summer. I need to go shopping soon.
1. What are your summer plans?
Don't know as far as summer, but we are going to visit my daughter in CA in two weeks!! Can't wait!
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
This was a friend of mine's son, who was about 7 at the time. My friend and him were home and the front door was opened, and a Jehovah's witness was walking up the walk. She had just spoke with them last month, and she had an appt. in just a few minutes, so she grabbed her sone hid in the kitchen so they didn't see them. It was about a week later when they caught her going out the door again, and the son says, "I remember you...The last time you came, me and Mom hid in the kitchen!" Oh my gosh!!!! I cracked up! She was mortified!
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
Well, I initially lost about 125 lbs....have gained some back, but working at getting it off.
4. What's your ring size?
5 1/4, from a 7.
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
Definately sandles, with a two inch heel. I like the chunky heels though...not the narrow ones. Otherwise, barefeet!

1. What are your summer plans?
I'm hoping to have breast reduction sometime this summer!
July 8 is my father's memorial service, he passed 2/15/06 from cancer.
Work 3 times a month on the HopeWell Ranch and work with the horses!
Bring my nephew to Mount Pleasant for a few days to go to the ranch with me because he loves horses also!
And I plan to spend a great deal of time coordinating and working on the Ranch's Cowboy Ball that will be in October of this year!!
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
2 weeks ago Mom and I went to Grand Rapids to meet some of my friends she'd never met. My best friend (1 of them) Karen's daughter-Jessica said to me "I CAN'T UNDERSTAND HOW YOU WERE SOOOOOOOOOO BIG AND NOW YOU ARE SO LITTLE, HOW DID YOU DO THAT? she kept repeating that in a wild voice high pitched with hands and arms wailing around and her eyes were rolling about!!!
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
Since May 03 I've lost 148 lbs, and I want to lose 22 more to hit goal of 140.
4. What's your ring size?
My rings don't fit me anymore, they use to be 8 and a half, I would guess about a 6 now.
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
White flip flops decorated with little colored stones I bought in Sarasota with my Mom last year when we had our last family time together before Dad was diagnosed.
1. What are your summer plans?
Next month my son and I are going on a weekend canoe camp trip. I'm going to cedar point with my H.F.Support group in June. I'm going camping in July with My HF support group. In July I am going to visit my sister in Melbourne Fl., and go to cape canaveral, and to disney World. In August I'm going to georgia to visit my son at boot camp, then will go back in September for his graduation from boot camp. In September i'm going skydiving with 10 other people from My H.F. support group. On June 17th we are having a skating party at Great skate in roseville, if anyone is interested please let me know. Advance tickets cost $4.00 at the door tickets cost $5.00 this includes skates. I have the tickets avaliable now.
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
I used to work at a day care. part of my job was to drive the schoolage kids to school. One day we were having a conversation about what they were going to be when they grew up. They gave the usual answers I'm going to be a doctor, I'm going to be a teacher, I'm going to be a policeman, I'm going to be a lawyer, ect. One little boy raises his hands into the air, index finger's pointing up (the rest pointing down) as he announces in the deepest voice he can muster "when I grow up I am going to be a tax payer".
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
A total of 167#'s lost to date. I have 64#'s to go to get to my personal goal of 148. the "charts say I will still be overweight, but that's ok with me.
4. What's your ring size?
I don't know
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
I love all kinds of shoes heels have become my favorite. If my feet were'nt so tender, I would just go barefoot.
God bless you,
1. What are your summer plans?
To spend as much time as I can up north with my kids on the lake!!!
2. Kids' say the darndest things, give me an example.
I had my son and daughter in a store looking for a video game for my son's birthday. My son held up Cabela's Big Game Hunter and said "mom, should I get this for dad and I to play?" To which my daughter (4 yrs old at the time) promptly said, "to hell with dad, you need to get it for me, I want to play it and catch me a bear"!!!! Everyone around us was laughing and I was mortified!!!
3. How many pounds have you lost? How much more do you want to lose?
I have lost 117 lbs total..... I don't want to lose anymore!!!
4. What's your ring size? I am down to a 6.5.... when I got married my original wedding band was an 8!!!!
5. What's your favorite summer shoe?
Barefoot baby!!! but if I have to wear something it would be sandals......
1. My summer plans include having surgery at Hurley and working on my new writing project....WLS Cookbook.
2. Kids say the darndest things. I hope this isn't too risque for you and I don't mean it to be, but it was about the funniest thing I had heard in a long time. My grandson, Augie, was 4 at the time and for Christmas he got a small Buzz Light Year action figure and a large stuffed Woody doll from "Toy Story". We sat down to eat and he crawled on my lap with his new toys. With the unabashed honesty only a child can have he held them up and said, "Look, gramma, I got a Big Woody and a Little Buzz." I nearly choked, not because I'm a prude, but because his other grandmother IS!!!
3. How much have I lost? Not much YET (pre surgical), but by changing some of my eating habits I have managed to bring my Chosterol levels down 81 points!! I want to lose 200 pounds in the long run.
4. My ring size is 10 on the left and 11 on the right.
5. My favorite summer shoes are NONE, but I do slip on thongs (not of the butt variety) to run in the store!
Kids say the darndest things. I hope this isn't too risque for you and I don't mean it to be, but it was about the funniest thing I had heard in a long time. My grandson, Augie, was 4 at the time and for Christmas he got a small Buzz Light Year action figure and a large stuffed Woody doll from "Toy Story". We sat down to eat and he crawled on my lap with his new toys. With the unabashed honesty only a child can have he held them up and said, "Look, gramma, I got a Big Woody and a Little Buzz." I nearly choked, not because I'm a prude, but because his other grandmother IS!!!
Now that is funny!
God bless you,