Bay City support group ****WED May 10th at 6:30****
I was hoping to have a speaker on emothional eating speak with us this month but it isn't going to work out for this month, but I am hoping for next month.
I would like everyone who has a favorite "after wls" reciepe to make 10 copies of the reciepe and bring it to group, If you haven't had surgery yet I want you to bring a question to the table for the post op's to help you with.
We will be meeting at Ruby Tuesday's at least once more. We need to talk about a new meeting place. We are really growing as a group and Ruby Tuesdays is just not big enough anymore. We are having a hard time communicating with one another because of the distance from one end of the table to the other.
I am thinking about the texan on Eucild because they have a private room. If you have any suggestions please bring them to group. I am looking forward to seeing everyone. If you have never been we would like to invite you to come to our gorup. See you all Wed.---Toni
Hi Toni...
I have not had my WLS yet. I am going thru the tests now and would love to join you all Wednesday but I have a prior commitment. I was going to suggest the Texan for the meeting because like you said they have a private meeting room there. I look forward to meeting everyone next month!!
Thanks for the invite!!!