Ovaries clear, but ...
A while back, I wrote about my doctor feeling something suspicious around my ovaries. Well, had my ultrasound today and they're all clear. However, the ultrasound did show some extra blood vessels in my cervix. Upon further examination, the doctor found a polyp in my cervix. She thinks that may be the cause, but if it's not, she may have to do more tests, including a d&c and endometrial sampling. That won't be until June 6 (has to be in the hospital). If the biopsy on the polyp comes back OK, I won't need the other tests. I'll know more in a week.
Way back in 1996 I had laproscopic done and found out the pain I was having was from endrometrosis. One ovary looked like powder burns and the other was between a 4-5 on a scale of 1-10.
The doctor put me on Depro Provera and I have been pain free (save a twinge or two over the years) and no peroid!!!
When I had my surgery in September, I asked if he would be able to see the ovaries and he said yes. I explained the situation and could he please look at them and I described how they were way back when. He said that he could take a picture of them, but, as luck would have it, he forgot! However, he did tell me that they were as I had described - that they hadn't changed!
At least that was one good piece of news that I could give my OB/GYN when I saw him last month.
I hope that everything goes good for you!