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Sandra F.
on 3/18/16 6:45 am
Topic: RE: A lighter me mexico

It is a scary prospect having surgery in a different country (I am assuming you are not from Mexico).  I had my sleeve surgery in Mexico, but I did not go through A Lighter Me, although I have heard many good things about them.  Good luck to you.



on 3/17/16 10:11 am
VSG on 04/20/16
Topic: A lighter me mexico

I just recieved my comformation email from a lighter me telling me Im approved to have a VSG done but I some how just got cold feet when they told me to write them back on a surgery date. Any one else feel this way? Anyone have any feed back on a lighter me? Anything would be awesome. I really want to get this done I want change in my life but I really just got cold feet Nd unsure where to go from here 

on 3/17/16 1:40 am
VSG on 05/12/16
Topic: RE: Who did the VSG with Dr Fernando Garcia in Tijuana? Could you share your experience please!!!!!

I'm scheduled for May 12th with Dr. Garcia at CER Hospital. I'm excited and not the least bit worried. He has an excellent reputation and I've spoke with many of his previous patients when I was researching him. I'm only nervous about flying! I don't do well with heights.

on 3/16/16 5:37 pm
Topic: So happy my ankles are getting to the point where I can handle my weight.

So I was running to day and I have really bad ankles they just let loose all the sudden and one of my ankles let loose and I was able to get back up and keep running.

 I have or had really bad ankles due to the weight of my feet where they just let loose and I can not walk for about two week and this was a on going thing.

So I saw that my ankles are starting to get stronger or I have lost so much weight that my feet can actually hold me up.

 As soon as I went to the grown I was thinking not now and I felt no pain what so ever and was able to get back up and start my running again.

That feels so good when you or your body can actually feel the differences on how much this surgery really does help in so many ways.

That really mad my day knowing that this surgery not only has helped me loose weight but helps in other places as well.

on 3/16/16 2:19 pm
VSG on 03/10/16
Topic: Considering Mexico Bariatric Center for your surgery? Yikes!

March 16, 2016

Hello! If you're reading this you might be considering getting your surgery in Mexico at the MexicoBariatricCenter. I am post op day 6 right now, have a fever of 102.5, and am feeling pretty crummy atm.


FYI: I am a nursing student in my 4th block so I have some understanding of pharmacology and the importance of sterile/aseptic procedures.


The positives:

Price was about $4300 plus airfare, incidentals, tipping, etc. I estimate I spent close to $5k in all.

Hotel accommodation and staff at the Hyatt Place in Tijuana was great. They will give you as much chicken or beef broth, sugar-free lime popsicles, or various flavors of sugar-free jello that you want.

Surgeons and the Anesthesiologist were professional and did a first rate job.

30 minute ride from San Diego Airport to the Mexico Border and another 15 minutes to the hotel. The hospital is only 10 minutes away from the hotel btw.




Oh..... where to start....

Mexico Bariatric Center has outsourced their aftercare to a third party. The "nurses" responsible for helping with post-care are no more knowledgeable than Medical Assistants, although they do have a little medication administration training. However, their severely limited training, and understanding of bacteria becomes quite evident when witnessing their attempts (or lack there of) to prevent the spread of bacteria. Here are just a few examples: I never once witnessed a "nurse" use the hand sanitizer on the wall or wash their hands upon entering my room. I did witness my "nurse", Cesar, blow into his gloves to help open them up before sticking his hands in them. That sort of thing would probably get you fired in the United States. IV ports were frequently not cleaned or were simply given a quick single swipe of the alcohol pad before injecting medications into them. Those IV ports gets dragged all over the place and probably have little microscopic bits of feces and drug resistant bacteria on them. Which is a little like mainlining feces directly into my blood stream. When I told them I wanted them to do it correctly they would respond with "It's ok, don't worry, don't worry." And they'd just keep on doing what they were doing, as if my objections were completely irrelevant. Eventually I had to call and speak to the hospital administrator to have my "nurse" replaced with someone more competent.


INTEGRITY is not something I found a great deal of with the non-management staff members. Perhaps placating (i.e., lying) is par for the course over there, but it was common enough that very quickly I realized I couldn't trust anything I was being told on face value. Please understand that this was a big issue that reoccurred on multiple occasions. Trusting the staff to do what they say they are going to do, or when they are going to do it, is a huge mistake. This includes the drivers as well. I can't overemphasize this enough.... to be fair, the management was great though, however they have nothing to do with patient aftercare.


The third morning after the surgery several of the patients had been cleared to go and we were driven to a "Pharmacy". The "Pharmacist" behind the counter was selling anything and everything. He was trying to get us to buy different antibiotics than the ones we were sent home with. I don't think he realized that not all antibiotics work on all bacteria and you can't just take whatever. He did give out free samples of vitamin-B shots and Viagra for those who were interested. Did I mention this was the pharmacy the Mexico Bariatric Center sent us to? I ended up buying a few items while I was there only to discover we had been charged 300-400% more than the pharmacy at the grocery store across from the Hotel. The driver will then offer to take you and the other patients on a "tour and some shopping". These stores inflate their prices for the patients and provide a kickback to the driver (and most likely the Mexico Bariatric Center) just like the pharmacy did.


PAIN MANAGEMENT! Unless you are willing to pay the extra $1000 for the pain pump that comes with either morphine or Dilaudid you will be offered the ghetto version of pain meds (e.g., Ketorolac, tramadol). Although these medications do help offset the pain they do not provide the additional benefit of the euphoric feeling from narcotics. They will offer you all sorts of ridiculous reasons whey they don't want to give you those medications and if you don't have a background in pharmacology you may actually start to believe them. But, they are lying to you. Remember, if you spent the extra $1000 you could have all the narcotic pain meds you wanted in the form of a patient controlled pain pump. I honestly believe they tried to keep people in enough pain that they would agree to spend the extra money. One "nurse" told me that they wouldn't give them to me because of the nausea. However, they give you meds for nausea. "Doctor" Sing tried to convince me that the reason they don't give narcotics is because people are less likely to do their breathing exercises..... Ummmm.... the #1 reason people don't do breathing exercises or participate in their aftercare not a lack of motivation or education on the benefits, but is lack of pain management. That's not my opinion, that's a fact. It was just one stupid excuse after another. The additional pain I (and many other patients) endured as a result of these penny pinching, dishonest, dimwits would be criminal in the United States. You'll get plenty of narcotic pain meds if you choose to have the surgery here in the states.


I was advised by that I do not need a passport, by Leili Kohan my patient coordinator, to enter Mexico because their company has a special medical pass, which lets them get across the border without the long wait times. Leili was adamant about that. What she failed to mention was that in order to re-enter the U.S. you definitely need one. I was fortunate in that I ordered a passport just in case otherwise I would probably still be in Mexico right now.



I am glad I had the surgery despite what I have and continue to go through. I've already lost 11 lbs in 6 days! I wouldn't be opposed to having some other type of surgery in Mexico at a later date. However, I would absolutely NOT RECOMMEND the MEXICO BARIATRIC center. Additionally, make sure that narcotic pain medication (e.g., Percoset, Vicoden) will be available if you go to any facility that offers pain pumps for additional fees, and have them put it in writing stating you get a full refund for all services rendered if this is not the case. Trust me on this, unless you're one of the rare people who felt absolutely fine, you are going to want narcotics.

Here is something interesting of note. There were people (young women in their late 20's early 30's) who were getting gastric sleeve surgery who were maybe 10-20 lbs over weight. They weren't there for revisions or anything like that. Just an elective surgery to help them stay thin and beautiful. 

on 3/15/16 1:53 pm
Topic: running does make a different s.

So like I have said a while back I have started to do a lot of running, at first it was ten min,15min, 25min, 40min.

I now am running 45 min a day I get up on the tread meal and even lift weight I am 4 months out and I have lost a lot of my B.M.I. I started to get rally concerned that because I have lost so much weight so fast in so little time that my skin was going to hang and bad.

Do not get me wrong that come with the W.L.S. but if we do some strong exercises from the begging to the end we will see a different then just loosing the weight by our self's. Any way we will have some lose skin but not as much as if we decided that we do not want to do any types of exercises. Now I do now that we are not all as capeabull as other but their are so many different thing that we can goggle for different types of thing. I have even notice that some people are loosing more weight then me but I have seen that my body is getting really toned out and fat does not weigh as much as mussel so I might not be loosing as much or even losing more but  I am getting fit.

I love the way I look and I am even starting to look SEXY, nice legs curbs are coming all in the right places my arms are getting in shape not just hanging under my pits haahha but it is the truth. Dr,Sergio Quinones really did a excellent job on me and he has changed my life for ever and it is for the best of me. I wish I could call him every day just to say how much he has changed my life. If I had to get another surgery for some resin I probably would try to go to Mexico again just to have it done my this wonderful guy.

on 3/11/16 1:01 pm
Topic: So I am 4 months

So like I said I mad it to my four month mark could not be any happier than I am at this point.

I look in the mirror and that is when this surgery pays off when you see the differences from before and after.

I just can not wait until I get to the point of the year, when I hope to get to the get to my goal. I still have never seen me this skinny in so long. My kids are so happy that I am able to move so much more with them. My kids have never seen my this active in their whole life.

To me that is why I decided to get this surgery for my kids, I wanted to be healthier for them but as the time goes by I see that I also needed to get the surgery for me. i have changed in so many ways not only shredding of the lbs but also mentally emotionally ect.

And to me that I would have never though in a hundred years losing some lbs and change a person in so many ways.

When you are over weight people just look at you like a weirdo and not look at what you are or the personality you have.

Now I am to the point where every body looks at my for what I am and not for what I was. And know I see why this surgery was not only meaningful  to my kid but also to me. For you all that do not know me I had surgery in Mexico Tijuana with surgegio Quinones. four months ago and it was the best thing I have ever did for myself and for my family now they depend on me,not me on them and if feels good to be needed.

on 3/10/16 12:23 pm
Topic: Amazed how I look.

So I finally got to a stage where I just could not hang around in my P.JS I had to go and get cloths due to the fact that my P.JS just would not fit me with a belt or nothing. So I went to ROSS and bout a few things. I was over whelmed on the cloths that could actually fit me.

I the better thing was that the cloths did not look like tablecloths any more I actually found some cute cloths. So I went home thinking How are these cloths gong to look on me,mind you I went from a size 15 and now down to a ten.So I got to the house a rushed to my bedroom to try on my new cloths. I put the first outfit on and looked in the mirror and a tear came to my eye. I never had thought of the day that I would be able to put on a size 10 and a large blouse. I looked amazing and I just had to go show all my family what i looked like 10 years ago. I even felt so good about my self that I painted my face and did up my hair. It is so amazing just to see the differences so fast and you change right  before you own eyes. Like I said I went from the two hundreds to the one hundreds I am happy and I am starting to think that I look sexy and hot well that how I feel any way. This surgery that I decided to was going to be the best thing for me well I was so right. I had surgery on November 11 and I have lost 40 LBS so far..... YES.....

on 3/9/16 9:12 pm
Topic: RE: My Experience

Yes that is how I look at this surgery does not make us loos surgery it is a tool and all it does is help. If you are not ready to make big changes in you life surgery might not be what you need. This surgery does help and will make us lose weight but like I said you have to use it as a tool not something that will work all by itself. Any body that eats the wrong food with or with out surgery is going to gain weight.

Now if you are like me or like many here you need to make a big decision in life for you and make eating habits and you will do just fine with the surgery. Well good luck and hope you will make the best decision for yourself.

on 3/5/16 6:03 am
VSG on 04/04/16
Topic: RE: My Experience

I have been going through a roller coaster of emotions. I need to do this but I second guess myself, I've tried so many times I don't want to screw it up!!  It's encouraging to read the posts but then I read posts of people gaining it back...guess it's a matter of sticking to the lifestyle changes 

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