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on 5/31/16 3:23 pm
Topic: Dr Quinones

I had surgery on the 9th with Dr,Quinones and had the best experience with Pompeii surgical.

I feel that I had better care then I have ever had in the states with any doctor. It seem like the doctors in the states want to be so professional that some time they just look past our needs.

That was not my case going to Mexico I feel like my surgeon listen to everything I had to ask and really took it to heart.

I did not feel like it was just a surgeon wanting to get another surgery in,he really mad me feel like I matted to him and his staff.

They had treated me with so much care it was unbelievable. Pompeii was so clean and up to standards I had the thought that because it was in Mexico and a lot cheaper then the U.S. the facility was not going to be as nice as I had expected. They even help my companion get to where their was food or even had a menu right their for him so he would not have to leave my side.

The most importin thing is that the doctor, nurses and staff made me feel safe,knowing that people are scared to have surgery in Mexico they really tried their best to make you feel just like you are having surgery from home. The even treated my companion with care and that was not even their responsibility. The nurses always have someone right their with them to be able to translate everything they are going to do. I had a phone tablet to communicate at all times with family and to the nurses at all time. I did not have to call for a nurse not once because they would come in so much and was always asking how I feel and if I needed anything for pain ect. I just wanted to give a little over all on how I was treated because I have found so many people post that they are scared to have surgery in Mexico.

The thought of having surgery in Mexico is scary just because we are not in the U.S. it in international and we do not know what to expect.

But I think that all the bariatric surgeon in Mexico are their to help us. I believe that if they were bad doctor they would not be in the industry for long. Although I do believe that we need to investigate any surgeon in the U.S. Mexico or where ever we decide to have surgery. W.L.S. is a serious thing for anybody it is a meager surgery and we need to know what we are going into. So all you that are scared of mexico just do your research but if you decide to have surgery in the states we have to do the same. We can not just jump into something that is going to change our life forever not knowing really how good or bad the doctor is. I hope this can help a little but investigate and always research your doctor.

Mary C.
on 5/31/16 8:08 am - Glovertown, Canada
Mary C.
on 5/31/16 8:07 am - Glovertown, Canada
Topic: RE: Post op Pain meds in Mexico and time off work


I am an ER RN. Very physical fast paced job. I had an RNY in April 2008. I'm not

sure what area you work in.

I felt physically that I was ready to go back to work after a month or so - but my

surgeon, Dr. Beausoliel, in Moncton New Brunswick, Canada, insisted on 6 weeks.

due to the type of work I do. In retrospect, it was a good thing because it helped


be that much more sure of what foods worked for me - especially when it came to

packing a lunch bag for a 12 hr shift. My husband had a VSG with Dr. Joya in

Puerto Vallarta 3 years ago Everything was top notch and amazing. My husband is

a welder and was told to take 6 weeks of work after his surgery. He was given a

presciption for Toradol in Mexico which we filled before we left. Just the same -

hubby had very little pain. My surgeon in Moncton gave me a prescription for

Dilaudid. Pretty potent stuff. I used very few of them as I felt extra strenth tylenol

or toradol worked fine.


Good luck to you!

on 5/30/16 2:23 pm
Topic: Finally their

I'm still having problems with my menstrual period I have been on it for a few days but the blood is like a bright orange color. I was told that it could be from hormones dumping but the color is kinda weird. I wonder if my body is still cleaning it self from surgery. But I do not have any pain or anything to worry about but it just makes you wonder what the color is caused from. But beside the minstrel thing I feel great and so glad I got sleeved. I even have people asking me to give them my secret to how to lose weight. Some people I have told that it was due to surgery and some I have not I just do not want certain people to think I have not any self will to lose weight by myself. But when people come to you and start telling you that you look good it is a feeling like no other. It makes me to want to work even harder to weight and shred inches.

So all you that do not know if getting W.L.S. is a good option and can not lose weight on your own weight loss surgery is a good option. It was probably the best thing I could have done for myself. You all have a great day. And for you all that just had surgery keep up the good work and we will get through this together.


on 5/30/16 2:08 pm
Topic: I'm in heaven

I'm finally able to eat mushy foods and the first day that I was able to get to try puree food was like being in heaven. I have never thought how good puree food can be, I was so happy to try something new not the same thing everyday. The liquid diet can be miserable at times who are we kidding the whole time is f***ing miserable but it is all for a reason. The whole process has to be done so we can get  where we have to get to to make us a healthy person so whatever.  But when you get to try puree food for the first time you feel like you are in heaven. So now I can't wait to eat some real solids, that is going to even be a better feeling. The only thing is that the food are so yummy and want to eat the bite more but it is impossible you get full so fast. I know that is what I wanted not to be able to eat,eat and eat some more but I know we all miss being able to eat just a little more than a few bites of something. I know in the future it is going to make me a lot healthier and thinner. And I will not have to worry all the time for health problems and pain in the knees and ankles. I can already feel the difference in my ankles. I feel the pressure all day all night everyday but now I do not feel it as bad as before.

on 5/28/16 1:36 pm
Topic: RE: Has anyone used Dr. Ponce de Leon directly, with no coordinator?

I am worried now too as I am scheduled with Dr Ponce. Please inform where is Dr Illac. I'd like to consider. Thank you in advance.  DME

on 5/27/16 4:00 pm
on 5/27/16 3:59 pm, edited 5/27/16 8:59 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: menstrual period
On May 27, 2016 at 9:02 PM Pacific Time, fruitsnaks wrote:

I have had my menstrual period twice this month and do not know if this is normal or what. Has anybody that has had surgery had this happen to them? Could it be due to the hormonal change that I might be going through? The first time was not even my normal timing and this time was when I was supposed to have it. Is their something I should be doing or should I call my surgeon what do you all think?

The thing is I always have my period on the same day I'm very regular so that is what is kinda getting me sketchy. The first time I had bleed pretty well and this time not so much. So pleas give me some advice or let me know if this is something that happens to some patients after w.l.s.

yes, it happens often to women who menstruate. It is from hormone dumping, as hormones are stored in fat and when the fat is broken down and used during weight loss, the hormones flood your blood stream and can cause break thru. 

They can also make us *****y or Whiney

, but none of it lasts.




on 5/27/16 2:02 pm
Topic: menstrual period

I have had my menstrual period twice this month and do not know if this is normal or what. Has anybody that has had surgery had this happen to them? Could it be due to the hormonal change that I might be going through? The first time was not even my normal timing and this time was when I was supposed to have it. Is their something I should be doing or should I call my surgeon what do you all think?

The thing is I always have my period on the same day I'm very regular so that is what is kinda getting me sketchy. The first time I had bleed pretty well and this time not so much. So pleas give me some advice or let me know if this is something that happens to some patients after w.l.s.

on 5/26/16 3:18 pm
Topic: RE: I am new here.

Thank you for the reassurance.. I think I am just coming up with anything everything to have anxiety about since the though of the actual surgery is a little daunting. Best wishes!

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