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My surgery w/ Dr Q on 5/30 went great. I recommend him, I'm feeling good enough that I think I will be able to go back to work Tuesday. Fastest recovery I've ever had.
Hi. This might be a bit of a late response, I see that you posted this a couple of weeks ago. I will be having surgery with Dr. Quinones on 6/20/2016. I can share my experience with you afterwards if you are still curious. I got as much information as possible and was generally impressed with everything overall. The financing without outrageous fees and interest also swayed me since my financial situation is not all that great so their plan is what is actually making this possible for me right now. Well, I am off to search out a decent flight from DC to San Diego..Cheers.
I'm in the middle of picking a surgeon. And I had decided on Dr. Kelly who seems like a reasonable surgeon. It's just there are been some odd things that have come up about him. And I can't tell if they are true or not.
Look at this link and what is says about Dr. Kelly. Ramos Kelly, M.D., has recently been excused from various hospitals in Tijuana, including Florence Hospital. There were two I found.
There are a couple threads (not sure where I saw them), that talked a little bit about and for people to call the hospitals and ask the hosiptals why Dr. Kelly was excused.
I don't know the whole story and I'm not here to slander the doctor, but it was enough noise that it made me feel that there are other Drs. in Mexico.
If you want Dr. Kelly, I would find those threads and do more reseasrch.
Hi, I am looking for people who were sleeved by Dr Kelly at Clinica San Juan. Looking for a basic review. Are you happy that you chose him as your surgeon? Thinking of using him for my sleeve in a couple of months, it has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever made to have wls. Just trying to be sure I am chosing wisely!

I almost chose this doctor but ended up going with someone else. If nothing else, you will love Puerta Vallarta--I've been there twice and it is absolutely gorgeous. Good luck on your upcoming surgery.
I live on the other coast so I can't help you but if you haven't already done so, you should post this on your surgery page (sleeve, RNY, whatever surgery you are getting) because you will probably receive more responses. I had my surgery in Mexico and regret not doing it sooner than I did. Good luck to you.
I finally able to get down some solids still not everything and far from it but it is sure nice to be able to chew foods.
I find some food go down a lot easier then other,and other fill me up a lot faster then other food do. But it sure is nice to not be on a strick diet of liquids or puree. I still find it hard to think about how many times I have to chew my food before passing it. I never had to think before how much I really do not even chew my foods at all. I guess I would take a *****ew it two or three time a down it goes,but now I really have to think with every *****ew chew and chew some more. But at least I am getting father and farther along. One day I will not even have to think twice about how many or how long I have to chew my food it will all come naturally.
Hi all,
I've finally decided to get weight lose surgery and I want to go to Mexico to get it done. I talked to my Primary care doctor today and she is NOT supportive.
So, that leads to me t search for another Primary Care Dr who will help me with post op tests, etc on this journey.. I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I'm hoping someone from the Bay Area might share the doctor they used when they got the surgery done in Mexico.
Please free to private message me too.
I am booked with Dr. Joya and my sleeve date is July 22nd! Is anyone else having surgery with him in July? Has anyone used him recently? Butterflies are kicking in as i booked plane tickets tonight!