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Hi, My sleeve was done 2 weeks ago. Twice I have either eaten something I shouldn't have, or ate too much. In the middle of eating all of a sudden I get spasms. Intense pain that is so bad I cry. Then I throw up and feel better. The spasms lessen in about 30 minutes. Has this happened to anyone before? Jeanne
Thanks so much I have heard this little trick! thanks for sharing.
Thanks so much some great advice here thank you. I am really getting excited and just want to get as much information as I can before I come. Thank you so much.
let me clarify, I'm not saying there's anything wrong with this doctor... I haven't had a bad experience. I've noticed that a lot of these doctors move around a lot. I'm not sure if I should worry or not.
Hi there. Hubby had VSG in Puerto Vallarta in May 2013. We live in Newfoundland. I went with him. Our flights back had us overnight in Newark. Our first flight from PV to Newark was around 6 hrs duration. The biggest thing was finding things in the airport and on board the aircraft that hubby could eat. So - chicken broth packets - or whatever broth you prefer, and that sort of thing - great advice. I would prepare a ziplock bag of that type of thing before you go - and just have it there all ready for your trip home. Just to make it as easy as possible for you. Pack light - we didn't - but from the time we left NL to the time we got home - we were actually away from our house 10 days - with overnights and travel time to get to St. John's which is where we flew from. But that wasn't a problem - as I was able to lift suitcases etc. You really don't need a lot of stuff - personal items - a book or e reader etc and a few comfy outfits, PJ's etc. The flight itself was no problem for hubby - just get up and move around a bit every hour at least. If your surgeon recommends compression stockings or a binder - do that. Make sure to have your pain meds and a few extra bandages in your carry on in case you need them. Most of all PACK LIGHT. You will be the the one moving that suitcase/carry on. So be kind to yourself! Best of luck to you!
Dr Lopez was my surgeon in January, and he was still under contract with MBC at that time, but left the next month to start his own practice. If you were quoted a price before with him I'm sure the team would honor it.
Congrats on moving towards setting a date! :)
i just got an email from AnaKaren who said that her email had changed. I guess Dr Alejandro Lopez had a new web site, or at least he's more going by "ALo Bariatrics".
Ugh has anyone else noticed that most of these damn doctors skip around from web site to web site; hospital to hospital; medical tourism company to medical tourism company? It's so frustrating! There were a few on my list that I checked off because their jumping around made me nervous.
I was also wondering if this has happened to anyone before our if it will effect the pricing? I'm hong to email her back. I think I'm ready to get started and set a surgery date.
Anyone have suggestions on comfort for the way home on the plane?
I had to wear compression stockings at the hospital and hotel and they suck! But you will get through it. One suggestion that my coordinator gave me--chicken granules. It is near impossible to find chicken broth in the airport and you can't carry on liquids so these mix nicely with water to create broth.
I'm in the sam boat as you, Gail. Does anyone know anything RE Clinica San Juan? I know Angeles Hospital is cheaper but it also costs over $2,500 dollars more there, to have the same surgery with the same surgeon. That's a lot of money to me.