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Do grapes have too much sugar....
So getting ready for the new years party,
And yes once again in my house, so I will be doing everything to get the party ready.
I love the Holidays but I feel so restricted from everything at this point still not able to eat all that much.
And I was wondering is it o.k. if I have a glass of wine will it harm my sleeve?
I wonder this because I am just a month out.
And my family likes to eat grapes to make the new year wish.
Am I able to eat grapes or does it have to much sugar in them?
Does any body have any ideas for what I can do for New Years.
I had my surgery in Mexico in October 2014 and had the same dilemma before choosing. It is hard to know who to trust, especially on blogs and sites like this. I asked MANY questions of different coordinators in order to try and figure out which surgeon was best for me. Here is a list of my questions:
- How many patients of Dr. __________ have had a leak or complication with the gastric sleeve?
2. Has Dr. __________ had a patient die?
3. How many patients have had infections post surgery?
4. Do they do a line of sutures behind the staples?
5. What kinds of leak tests do they do?
6. Do we get a video of the surgery, leak tests, and all medical records when we leave? In english?
7. How many surgeries do they perform a day?
8. Does the hospital where the surgery will be performed have a trauma center/icu and a blood bank?
9. How many beds in the hospital?
10. What kind of oversight is done when staying in the hotel post hospital?
11. Private rooms?
12. Room for traveling companion?
13. Full time - around the clock medical staff in hospital?
14. Do you require a deposit of money before the surgery. If so, how much?
15. How much for hernia repair, if necessary?
16. How many patients have to have a hernia repair?
I also searched for the doctor that I chose in many search terms and many different search engines to see if I could find ANYTHING negative about him, which I did not. In fact, I found many positive reviews and I figured that all of them could not be fake, so I did it and am better off for it. Let me know if you want info on my particular surgeon. I know it is hard to trust people online but I can assure you that I am a regular person who lives in the US and had surgery in Mexico. Good luck to you.
I'm researching Dr. Garcia to hopefully have my VSG in early May 2016. I was wondering how your experiences went? I'd love to hear all about it!!
I'm planning to be sleeved in early May 2016. I'm researching doctors in Mexico, I have no insurance and cannot afford self pay in the US. How do you choose which doctor? I've been reading blogs and forums and such but everyone seems to be equally trusted and "good". What questions did you ask when interviewing the doc or facility? I don't know where to even start.
We are so close to New Year.
I am so happy that this year is getting put behind me, because I will be going into a new year as a new person.
I want to forget all about the last year because that is one of the years that I had suffered with my weight.
This year is going to be a good year because this whole year I will become a new person.
I will be loosing weight this whole year and by the next year I will be at a stable weight and be a new person.
I am so glad that by this time next year I will be able to do so much more than I have in the last few years.
My kids will be so glad when I am able to play ball, run, swim ect..
To me that is the most importin part of all this, and why this surgery was so impotin to me.
Dr. Quinones really has made a big change for my new life.
Thanks to him my kids are so much happier than I have ever seen them.
That is why this year is going to change my whole life, the way I eat the way I will feel day by day and the way my kids are going to be able to do so much more with their mommy.
You will be just fine the post op diet is not that bad I was also very nerves, and thought that I was going to be really hungry.
After surgery I was not hungry at all for the first few days.
I was thrusts but nothing I could not handle, even when I was able to drink I felt full so fast.
And as far as the doctor seeing you after surgery if their is no doctor who wants to see you,you can always go to the E.R.
They half to see you for any emergency that you might have.
You will be just fine. GOD BLESS...
It seems like there aren't many people *****spond on this forum. Maybe you should go to the main gastric sleeve forum and ask.
I am glad you had a good experience. I leave for my surgery in 16 days and am nervous about post op complications. There are surgeons here in my town but they won't see me after going to Mexico. I will see my family doctor when I get back. I am praying that I have no problems. I have to fly back to Kentucky and worry about blood clots.
So as some of you all know I had surgery a month ago with Dr. Quinones in mexico.
I was a self pay patient and went to Tijuana, got picked up at the airport and was taken straight to the facility.
Filled out some paperwork and got passed to my room,the nurse drawled blood from me.
I only waited about a half an hour before I was taken in for surgery.
When I woke up I was in a room right next to were I had surgery I felt very drazzy did not fell any pain I felt a lot of weight on me.
So about a half a hour latter after that I was taken to my room after the anesthesia wore of a little.
I remember as soon as I was taken to my room I fell back asleep, I felt sleepy for some while.
The next day I woke up and still felt the heaviness but not as bad.
I new that I had to get up and walk around as much as I could, if not I was going to feel this weight for some time the weight felling is body gas.
Do not get me wrong you will still have some pain but not as much,it does calm down a lot by walking around.
The next day I felt even better. I like that I was able to eat a couple Popsicle's.
I had to drink some kind of purple crap it tasted like s... but it was to see if I had any leaks in my stomach.
The doctor came in and told me that I was ready to go to the Hotel.
I had my drain taken out does not hurt when taken out just feels different,got dressed and was taken to the Hotel, I was going to go to a couple store around the town but decided to just rest.
Stayed the night their and my transportation came for me and took me back to the U.S.
The line was a little more longer than coming in but I was in no hurry, just told the sweet lady that had been driving me around for the last 4 days my experience in Mexico, and my surgery.
That woman is so sweet, she is very quit but she does talk, I think it is because she said that she is taking classes for English.
So know I am 1 month tomorrow and fell great I can see that I can walk a lot more than I was able to do before the surgery.
I am able to sit the floor with my kids and get back up on my own.
I am able to to a lot more things with my kids thanks to Dr. Quinones.
He changed my life and I really mean that it was the best decision to get this surgery done and to choose Dr.Quinones.
I am starting to try more solids in my diet.
I am having a little trouble, I feel really heavy my stomach after just a few bites.
Can somebody let me know what they were able to eat after the puree diet.
Did anybody feel this way?