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on 1/9/16 3:46 pm
Topic: What vitamins are best for?

So I have been taking some multivitamins since before the surgery I have never had any problem since yesterday.
I thought that it could have been that it mad my stomach upset yesterday but it also made me feel the same way to day.
I eat before I take them so I do not drink them on a empty stomach. I t has never gave me a problem until now.
Have any body have this happen to them?
I had surgery 28 of November and out 6 weeks so I am pretty new at this but have not had any thing go wrong and still do not just wondering why I feel kinda iky after I take them, or if their is some others that are more easy on the stomach.
I am so happy with my surgery this is the best tool yet that I have found that makes me loose weight so fast and not come back.
I was a self pay patient and went to Mexico my surgeon was Serigo Quinons to me he was the best doctor I could have found in Mexico.
I liked that he has worked in the U.S.,teaches other doctors to do Bariatric surgery, is a proctor for Johnson and Johnson, he is general of Tijuana so even thought I went to Mexico I felt like I was getting operated by a doctor in the U.S

on 1/8/16 6:08 pm
VSG on 01/28/16
Topic: RE: Dr Rodriguez in Juarez through BeLite Weight

omg dclardy11 --- thank you so much for replying. Can you tell me more? When was your surgery? Did you meet Dr Rodriguez as well? Was it a nice hospital? My family is like -- 'what?? really? you're not serious' when i tell him i'm going to mexico to go do this lol :) I'm thinking positive but its like 2.5 weeks away and I'm sorta on pins and needles about it. I bet you look awesome. Any further details would be so much appreciated.

on 1/8/16 2:32 pm
VSG on 01/28/16
Topic: RE: What to do?

I think a big part of the surgery is the mental aspect - the mindset :) before surgery, we hurt, we feel old, we're walking gingerly in order not to aggravate joints and problems -- but after surgery is another matter. We get stronger, healthier, the fat weighing us down goes away. We need to meet each challenge head on and think positively! You've got through so much already, you'll get there :)

on 1/8/16 1:35 pm
Topic: RE: What to do?

You know I never look at it this way but you guys are so right.

So I will diffidently get up off my A%@ and star to move around the rain is really no excuse  not to do the stuff I need to do.

Thank for word words of grace.

on 1/8/16 1:31 pm
Topic: Week 6

 So as some of you know I had surgery 6 weeks ago.
The first 2 weeks before the surgery was a little hard getting used to the liquid diet but it was not as hard as some people put it out to.
It is hard but I think that that it was more in my brain than it was in my stomach.
I just stayed occupied and tried to think about every thing but food.
Than it was my surgery day, I had surgery on the 28 of November of 2015.
I got picked up in San Diego by a really nice lady she was very quit but she had told me that she was taking classes to learn English.
Her English was good by the way and she is so sweet.
I got taken to the facility and was ask to fill out a few papers so I did and than I was transfered to my room.
The staff are also very friendly and the nurse did not speak very much English but at all times their was a translator to help her be able to translate what she was going to do on me.
She tried to put my I.V. but my veins have a tendency to roll so after poke me 2 times on one hand she had to move to the other but even the doctors here in the U.S. have the same problem so it was not a problem for me at all.
While she was putting the I.V. she also drew the blood at the same time to get the both thing done at the same time,
I waited about half an hour, than the nurse told me that my blood results came back and that I was going in for surgery as soon as Dr.Quinones ask me if I had any questions for him.
He came in and I was pretty calm about the whole surgery so I really did not have any questions for him at all.
About 15 min latter I was on my way to the OBYN.
I came out of the surgery just fine.
I remember when they took me to the room, but after that nothing I was out of it.
I woke up in the middle of the night and was very much wanting water but was not able to drink nothing.
The nurse was so kind and gave me some ice chips to wet my mouth.
To make a long story short I pass leak came out just fine and was off to the Hotel.
I thought before the surgery I was going to do some shopping in Mexico but I just wanted to rest.
The same lady came and pick me up and off to San Diego I go.
The first few days I had had gas pain, heartburn, headache but it was settle not as bad as I thought it was going to be.
Did my puree stage hated it I really did but this is my journey and nobody is going to do for me.
I have read some posts that just do not make seance, they say they hate this surgery. I LOVE IT...
I would do it again if I had to this is going to change our lives how can someone say they hate the fact that their lives are about to change and be a healthier person.

on 1/8/16 12:15 pm
Topic: RE: Dr Rodriguez in Juarez through BeLite Weight

Hi,  I had surgery through BeLite with Dr. Elmo.  Dr. Elmo is amazing.  I had a great experience.  Don't forget to bring washcloths they only have towels.  I have lost 102 lbs.  I have had no problems at all.

on 1/8/16 8:51 am - Nashville, TN
Revision on 03/18/15
Topic: RE: What to do?
On January 8, 2016 at 12:48 AM Pacific Time, ojosverdes86 wrote:

For you all that do not know my story, I had surgery 28 of November in Mexico.
I am self pay patient and payed 4500 dlls every day as some of you might know I have been working my ass to the bone.
Before the surgery I was only able to walk about 15 min, I am know able to walk around 45 min.
I still get sweaty and feel tired but not after just 15 min I can actually go the whole 45 and then I am done.
But the problem is that every day I walk just that five steps more and that is not the problem it is raining so bad that I just am not going to be able to go walk around.
I feel that if this rain does not stop soon I will be in big problems.
I will get lazy and not be able to force my self that five steps more everyday.WHAT TO DO?
Does any body feel this way?
I hope that the rain will stop soon, but lets face it we are just getting into winter this SUCKS.
Does anybody have any ideas what I can do for exercise?
I just work so hard everyday for my kids to be a better person.
Some advice please help.

Walk anyway. Afraid you will melt? 




on 1/8/16 6:43 am
VSG on 01/28/16
Topic: RE: What to do?

If it rains, you get wet. :)

I've read that there are people who run every day, usually every morning, and if the weather keeps them from running, they say they do not feel as good. This is why they get up and do it anyway. If they need to they put on sweats, or they will put on a poncho or rain jacket, or just go run anyway and come home to a nice hot shower. 

This is a second chance at life. This is a second chance to be with your kids an extra 10 years? 20 years? more? 

What would you do if you were faced with your maker at the end. Would you say to him (her/it/etc) that you didn't want to get wet or cold in the rain? 

I like to think back to what people did before society and civilization. People slept outside, they were cold, wet, dirty. It won't kill us to be uncomfortable. If it rains and you need to walk - bring an umbrella :) If you can use a treadmill somewhere, thats an option. Or perhaps something else. Just keep moving. You did the hardest part - getting the surgery. You know?

Sometimes you just gotta listen to Nike and 'Just Do It'. :) (And I hope next month you'll be telling me these same things when I feel awful and don't want to lol) :)

on 1/7/16 6:06 pm
VSG on 02/05/16
Topic: RE: What to do?

I am planning on doing strength training for muscle tone more than cardio.  This is to try to tone as I lose.  There are lots of good ideas.  You can lay on your back and write the alphabet in the air with each leg....just Google home exercises, and the possibilities are endless.  I think as long as you are doing something your good.  Just keep moving!

on 1/7/16 6:02 pm
VSG on 02/05/16
Topic: RE: my best option?

I'm going with Dr. Joys, and its 5700 first sleeve...everything but airfare.   I can't say how it is because I haven't done it yet.  I feel secure in my Dr, but we shall see!!  I know from this forum there are many refutable doctors there.

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