Quick Question
Is there a VCR in the hospital room? Or is it in the apartment? I can't remember. I plan on bringing a few dvd's to watch on my laptop, but I really want to bring Hello Dolly and I only have it on VHS...
I suppose I could rent it and pay the late fees.......
I love me some Barbara Streisand!!!
Hi Lorraine,
I stayed in one of the apartments in Ensenada, and I can't remember seeing a VCR. There may have been one and was just too wiped out to see it. I, too, took my laptop and watched DVDs. (Watched half of Count of Monte Christo)
PS: I paid t-mobile for a wireless internet chip which allows me to use my laptop practically anywhere. This way, I don't have to rely on wireles internet "cafe's" or other places that have wireless connection. I can just laptop anywhere a t-mobile service is active... even in the middle of a park or the beach. If you have the same thing... becareful, because after you leave the USA borders, there is one heck of a roaming charge... I realize you are in Canada... but thought i would mention it just the same. Fairly large roaming charge.
Do you know if there's one in the hospital rooms? All I remember was someone saying something about a vcr.........
Count of Monte Christo was a great movie. Jim Caviezel is yummy! We both grew up in Mount Vernon, WA. Although he graduated before me, we did go to the same high school. If you watch Jay Leno, you probably know Ross the Intern.... I was in choir with him for two years. And yes, he is really like that. It's not an act. Chad Lindberg from October Sky also grew up in MV and graduated from my high school. The only other famous Mount Vernonite, is Mark Hendrickson. He's a pitcher for the Tampa Bay Devil Rays and was also in the NBA for a while.
Anyway!!! It's kinda fun to say I went to the same school as Jesus!
Sorry Lorraine, no VCR in the hospital room. I can't even remember if there was a tv. If there was, I just didn'****ch it. We brought our car dvd player as well. And the tv is in the livingroom in the apartments. I told Rosella the only complaints I had was the tv in the livingroom instead of the bedroom and no recliner! I really missed my recliner!