OMG, I have to pack I'm leaving tomorrow!!!!!
Here I am at work busy as can be and I haven't even packed yet
Well, my flight is not until 4PM EST tomorrow, but I've been so freaking busy I don't know if I'm coming or going
Today is going to be a looooooooooooooooong day for me. I was so excited last night I kept tossing and turning and couldn't sleep a wink
Well, I had to be at the University where I work at 6AM cause we are hosting an event for the school board and I was the one giving the welcome speech
as a representative of the university because I am the assistant to the Director of Administration and of course, he was not coming in today so the responsibility fell on me
I don't get off work till 6PM and THEN I have to cross the parking lot to go to my own class until 8:30PM and I cannot skip out now because we are preparing for finals
By the time I leave tonight I know I am going to be dragging. I have a 30 minute ride home and then I have to pack?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??! I should have packed 3 weeks ago before I got so busy at work. Well, shoulda, coulda, woulda got me nowhere before...but I need to whine to someone. I'm so tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired
Please pray for me so that I can survive my day on some heavenly energy because with my pre-op diet I cannot say I have much of that lately. I just hope I'm not so wired by the time I get home that I won't be able to sleep from being so freaking wired. that I got that load of my chest
I'm feeling better...sorta Thanks for letting me unload for I'm going nuts today
Maria P.
You two will do just fine! I'm thrilled for the both of you!
I'll call you tomorrow evening Maria, to make sure you got there safely. What time should you be arriving there? I'll call on the 28th to make sure that you had an uneventful surgery, and that you, Jennifer, arrived safely. I'll then call on the 29th to make sure that you too had an uneventful surgery.
Try and get some sleep these next few days!
I'm draaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaging. What a day. I've not stopped and I've still got a few more hours to go.
I actually had to walk away from work today for an hour and a half cause I was overwhelmed. It was such a horrible day...anything that could go wrong the point that I broke down in tears. My staff was rebellious, everyone needed something and in the end, someone even asked me to go pick up some freaking balloons. At this point I just laughed
The freaking Chancellor is asking for balloons with 2 particular sayings...sigh. That was the kind of day I've been having. I walked away because I was in tears from the I just said, time to go before I rip someone a new one.
Well, tears were cried and no one is the wiser that I almost cracked today. Thank God I have my Angel out there and my racing buddy waiting for me as well. I wonder if they'll put something in the IV to make me REALLY happy