I'm packing to go!!
Hi Everyone, Just a quick note to say I'm really sorry I haven't been around the last month. I had some major family problems that really took over my life (to say the least). I was almost thinking I was going to have to cancel surgery but thanks to the good Lord above, I will be leaving for Ensenada tomorrow!!
On top of everthing else, my computer has been down!! I've missed talking to everyone and hope that all of you are doing well and everyone that has had surgery is recovering quickly and enjoying their new found life.
I will post when I get to Ensenada; my daughter will be with me and she will be giving everyone updates on my progress.
I'll never be able to find the right words to tell all of you how thankful I am for all the wonderful support & kind words that I have received from this site; I have been truly blessed. As scared as I feel at this moment, I know I'm making the right decision and with the support and prayers of my OH family I know that this is the beginning of a wonderful new life for me. Thank you....everyone.....for everything!!!
See you on the losing side!!!
Love & hugs to all,
Sharon, I wish you the best. As a fellow Floridian and soon to be banded loser, I can understand the sleeplessness
, I'm going to Mexicali day after tomorrow, or acutally, tomorrow cause it's 1AM now. I can't sleep either. My doctor is Dr. Aceve.
From what I hear your doctor is very good as well. Try to rest what you can
and find the comfort you do online. My thoughts will be with you and I will see you on the losing side when I get banded on Thursday!!!