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Hey Donna,
I am no expert here, believe me! I am just 2.5 weeks out. But, I told my employere I would be out 4-6 weeks, and if I felt better sooner, I would be there. Judging by how I feel right now, if I wanted to, I could go back next week. I too have a desk job. But, I guess each individual is different. Take cues from your body.
About the epidural, I asked someone that, and here is what I was told:
They give you an epidural and leave the stint in so when you need pain medication after surgery, they put it in that port. They don't have to stick you each time and it is almost immediate relief. I don't know if that is the only reason, but it was a good one! I hate getting stuck all the time and after this surgery, you don't! The medicine they use is kinda cold and you can feel it run all the way down your back, but no pain!
Hope this helps a little bit! I am thinking of you!
Genie, You are so wonderful. I love knowing that you are near in thoughts and prayers. I know it is just me being impatient, but i feel like this board is running slow. Kinda like when you are wanting the "guy" to call you back and you wait by the phone... then check the line to make sure it works... i keep refreshing the screen, waiting to hear from all of the amazing people on this board. I will learn patience, i hope...

Wow! I feel really blessed now! The only needles that stuck me (besided the awful one in my hand that was swollen SOOOO big!) was when the nurses came in to do my glucose check for my diabetes! Other than that, whenever I had pain, they put it in my epidural! Not sure what the difference between us was. So sorry you went through all of that!

My anesthesologist was Dr. Gomez. I requested no epidural, I had issues with them in the past. Dr. Aguirre and Dr. Gomez agreed, with the stipulation that if, at any time during the surgery he thought it best to put one in, he would. I never needed it. I did have an IV for the pain meds, no shots. I know quite a few others who also did not have an epidural. Now that there is a different anesthesologist, maybe the epidural is no longer a choice, but it used to be.
I was off for a week but tend to have a high threshold for pain and seem to recover relatively quickly.
Best of luck.