Is there a Half-Century Club?!?!

Molly Mae
on 3/22/05 11:54 pm - WA
If not, I'm starting one. I finally made it guys! After 3 months, one week and a little doubting. I updated my profile with my most recent musings. All I have to say is this: Old habits die hard! I gotta make some new ones! Nothing makes me sick. Not sugar, malitol, caffine, bread, ect. Pretty scary. This is a great tool but from now on it's all me to form healthier habits and quit testing it. So, here's to my new accountability buddies Only 67 more pounds to go, Molly Mae 252/202/135
Sandy N.
on 3/23/05 12:44 am - GA
Molly, 50 lbs ! CONGRATULATIONS!! Must be excited! I think you can also join our lap band club, almost nothing makes us sick, just overeating of course. Look at the positive side, If you change your habits now you won't have to worry about revisions a few years down the road. Hopefully your new habits will become old very soon and will be hard to break as well. After more than a year mine are still kinda new. Loved the Sandy Lap band- Dr Aceves
Molly Mae
on 3/23/05 12:49 am - WA
Awww, thanks Sandy! We don't break habits, we just replace them! So, you are right, that's what it is all about! Yeah, you are right, I feel just like a bandster. I am really pretty good about not exceeding the capacity of my pouch but it is the little handfulls of Cheese-It's that got me to 250 in the first place. Ya know what I mean? Yeah, a revision would be a real night mare as I am already a self-pay! Hubby would be so , lol! Thanks for the encouragement! Molly
on 3/23/05 12:56 am - Weatherford, TX
Hi Molly! I have always read your posts and thought you sounded like a very sweet person. Today I read your profile. When I said I thought you sounded sweet, I was wrong! I KNOW you are a sweetie! Parts of your profile brought tears to my eyes. My "mommy" days are over as I am now a grandmother of 5, but you sounded so much like me in my younger days! I nursed my babies and didn't ever want to leave them. I was always a stay at home mommy - even when they got older we homeschooled and we were always together! You are beautiful inside and out, and this surgery is just going to make it more obvious to those people who don't already know this! Good luck on the rest of your journey, and be strong when those old habits rear their ugly head! Remember, you can do ALL things throug CHRIST who STRENGTHENS you! In His love, Genie
Molly Mae
on 3/23/05 1:35 am - WA
((((Genie)))) those are big hugs for you! I really revel in motherhood and trying to be the trophy wife my hubby deserves! I live, eat and breath it. The only other thing I love as much is being a wife. Ever since I was a young girl I knew this was my calling, LOL! Thanks so much for your kind words. They mean a lot! I have to tell you a little story. The other day at Starbucks I was talking to the barista. She stated that I look like a different person now that I am losing weight. While I certainly did not take offense to that I did not hesitate to tell her this: "no, I am the same person I have been all along, now I just have the confidence to go along with it" Meaning that I have always been a "hottie" on the inside, now I am just looking more the part to the outside world. Ya know how cute Miss Piggy is? That has always been me - always fixing up, highliting, exfoliating, teasing my hair in all the right places, smelling good with designer perfume, and hurting on the inside because my weight was disfiguring! Did you know I am a native Texan? We hava a lot in common. Most of my family is in the Sherman/Denison area but I grew up in the panhandle. Thanks for the scripture reference. Also, we have to remember that God has plans to prosper us and not to harm us, plans for a great future!!! Guess what girl? This *is* our future girl and we *are* prospering!!! Yay for that! Molly
on 3/23/05 1:43 am - Weatherford, TX
AMEN AND AMEN! I too, from the time I was a little girl, knew I wanted to be a mommy! When people would ask me what I wanted to be when I grew up, that is exactly what I said! I don't believe there is any higher calling than that of wife and mother! My children are grown now and I have entered the professional world, but I am so glad I waited till they were on their own. I have no regrets. Well, maybe one. I wish I had done this surgery earlier so I could have been a better mommy to them. Done more things with them. But, I can't go back. So I will have to be content knowing that I can be a better grandmother! Then when I am tired, I can send them back home! Genie
on 3/23/05 1:47 am - UT
WAY TO GO MOLLY!!!! Congrats on the 50 pound mark. Keep up the good work. I'm sure you'll be to goal in no time!!! t~
Molly Mae
on 3/23/05 2:05 am - WA
Thanks Tami! Come onnnn Summer and a good fake tan. It's gonna be a good one!!! You are not doing too shabby yourself!
on 3/23/05 2:14 am - Kearney, NE
Wow!! Way to go! 50 pounds gone forever - that is quite an accomplishment!!! I loved your comment about the Hottie on the inside!! That was soooo me!! Isn't it fun now to wear hottie type clothes!! I too have given everything for my family. I love my children and husband more than anything, but now for the first time I have actually been paying attention to myself and it is actually nice. They even like it better - I'm sure I'm much better to get along with!!!! Talk to you later!!! A
Molly Mae
on 3/23/05 2:45 am - WA
LOL Amanda! It takes me a lot longer to get ready now that I have more clothes to chose from. It used to be really easy to pick one of my half dozen cute outfits and run out the door. Now I am a bigger primper than before. Hubby just thinks it is so worth it for us to be late everywhere though, hehe! He really likes having a hot wife (his words, not mine)
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