Hey Donna!!!
I can honestly say that this week I feel about 90% back to normal. I am amazed. It's taken me a bit longer than most, but I'm so glad to be feeling better. I've started to increase my walking and hope to be to an hour on the tread mill by the end of the week. I've found that I don't dump really which makes me mad. I really wanted that to help me, but I guess I have no choice. Blood sugars and high blood pressure are all within the normal range and I'm feeling it too.
Donna...don't give up on the money and the surgery. I had to wait 5 years. It's so hard to wait I know, but don't give up. me will ya. I need to talk with you about something.

I know that Belkys is doing alright. Even though I don't get to hear from her as much as I want to at this stage! She is off work for 2 months and has no internet at home. She told me she was going to try and get it though! Let's all keep our fingers, eyes, hair, and legs (if we can!
)crossed that it will be soon! I miss her!