Has Anyone struggled with Diareha after this surgery?
Hi Kay & Candice
I got the Diareha's a couple of times. I don't know what caused them cause I hadn't had any sugar or milk. I just made sure I was replacing all the liquid with soup broth. Drink a LOT of the broth. I also get the Diareha's when that time of the month is coming. I don't know why...but it's happened both times since my surgery. Again, I just make sure I kick up the liquids.
As for the Shakes....I don't know if your talking about shaking cause your blood sugars low and you haven't eaten. Or, the shakes when you legs and body don't want to calm down. I got the 2nd one before my surgery and I've gotten it a couple of times since. If this is what your getting, I don't know what causes them, but I've found walking or treadmill really helps. If it's the hunger type shaking maybe you should tell your Dr. It couldn't be your blood sugar is going too low.
Hope everything gets better for you Candice.
*hugs* take care!!!

I do have diarrhea sometimes, but I had Irritable Bowel Syndrome even before the surgery. It seems as if it is much better since the surgery to me though. After I eat, I need to wait around by a 'facility' for at least 15 minutes. After that, I am good to go! (No pun intended!
) As for the shakes, have you had your blood sugar tested? I had shakes before but am off all my diabetes medicine and blood pressure medicine. I am really feeling much better! Are you taking in enough calories and water? If you were on blood pressure medicine, and you are still taking it, could it be falling to low? These are just a few ideas, I am in no way a nurse. If it pursists, I would definietly contact my Dr. Take care of yourselves over there!

I agree with the other posts as far as advising you that it could be your blood suar is dropping to low or to fast (causing you to shake). If you were diagnosed with low or high blood sugars prior to surgery, this could be a high possibility. I was never diagnosed with either, but as my weight has dropped, I know that if I eat any sweets or just carbs, it causes my sugar to shoot up and then it drops fast and causes me to shake. If I eat a balance of protein with the carbs, I am fine. And like Candace said, what about blood pressure, did you take meds for it and if so are you still? If so they may need to be adjusted. For the first month after surgery, my husband continued to take his BP meds and was weak and dizzy. We finally started monitoring his blood pressure better and he was able to get off everything (Blood Pressure and Diabetic meds). Thankfully I was always "healthy" as far as I knew when I was even at my highest. As far as the diarrhea goes, again the only time I ever usually had that problem was when I ate anything sweet. Please do make sure you are getting in adequate fluids though, you don't want to get dehydrated, and if it persists, you should talk to your Dr. Anyway, I know you probably know all this, just want you to know I hope you start feeling better.
I am having horrible problems!! One second I don't even have to go and the next it is an emergency!! I haven't been able to really determine what the triggers are, but I am keeping better track of everything I eat and trying to figure it out! Some people suggested to me, maybe sugar free foods?! I don't know, but I understand your desperation!!!!!!
Well, Thank You everyone. You are so very helpful, especially when we are freeking out!
Here is what we did. We got some " Imodiam AD" and it seems to be working. YEY ! We got the generic kind at Costco. You literally get twice the amount (2 bottles of pills with 96 pill in each bottle) for half the price of the name brand.
We are also being very careful of sugar! We are also going to check in with the doctor this week.
Thank You everyone.
Kay & Candice
I have had this problem for about 5 days now. I thought it was just a stomach bug that was going around. I lost 6 lbs over the weekend, and I am a slow loser, so that is a lot for me. I have had the shakes too & my heart beating really fast when I am doing something that gets my heart rate up. I think it is because I am dehydrated & my food isn't sticking with me long enough the absorbtion. I hope it goes away soon! I HAD to come to work today because I missed two days last week because of this. I don't know if I was supposed to or not, but I took some Pepto & it seems to help. Let us know what your doctor says if you go.
Hi Chris,
Hope I spelled your name right. Yes we are using the Imodian AD for the diareha. For the shakes we are curbing the sugar and hidden sugars. Things are straightening out for now.
Good Luck and don't be afraid to ask when you have problems. Everyone on the forum have been so kind to help with input . It's very valuable and we appreciate it very much.
Kay & Candice