Hissy Fit Incoming!
Hello everyone! Looked at my calender this morning and realized....I only have one month till I will have my surgery!!!!
I can't believe it! it is almost here....Unfortunatley no one else is showing having a date sceduled near mine.
I will be all by myself. Bumber!
I quit smoking yesterday...doing pretty good so far.
The only problem is my husband quit too and we are about to kill each other!
Love and Hope to all!

Hey Tera!!
Ahh....i wish there were going to be someone there having the surgery too. Just make sure your husband can up date all of us on how your doing.
i understand the nerves thing......try to relax and TRY not to worry...i know, i know...easier said than done. Just know you've done your homework on the Dr. and he's qualified and believe that you'll be fine.
As for the smoking.....GOOD FOR YOU!!!!
Try not to kill the husband.....but it's a good thing your doing for yourself.
Hang in there girl!!!!

Oh Tera, I am so proud of you for quitting the smoking! You will be really glad too. Not to mention all the other health benefits that everyone already knows about, but after surgery you have to do those little breathing exercises! I can't imagine doing them if my lungs were already compromised. I was a smoker at one time to, and I know how hard it can be. Just hang in there! When you get skinny, your gonna want to spend all that extra (cigarette) money on new clothes!
You are in my prayers and heart. Take care!

Hey!! I just found this board! I thought I would say HI!!! Great job on quitting smoking!!!! That is AWESOME!!! You may want to email Rosella and ask her about other surgeries. Just because they aren't registered here, there still maybe other people going at the same time as you!!! WOOHOO 1 month out!!! Exciting!
Hi Tera,
I totally hear you with the smoking. I quit on New Years Day and had surgery in Feb. It was really hard, but I just kept thinking about surgery and how much I wanted it.
Post surgery, I haven't even wanted one. I think I have so many other things to worry about that cigarettes fell to the bottom of the list. I did have a really hard time before surgery though with wanting a cigarette. Hopefully, the same will happen to you with regard to that.
Congratulations on your approaching surgery date. I agree that you should contact Rosella to ask her if there are any other surgery dates near yours. There may very well be.
Not everyone is chatty like us....lol. ;)
Good luck to you,