Blue threads sticking out of incision
I have had several blue threads that have popped out of my incision site. It really irritates the skin. One pulled right out when I touched it. But, I have another that doesn't pull out easily, so I decided just to cut it flush with my skin. But, my skin is really irritated there. Has anyone else had this problem?

You need to get the stitches out. Don't cut them off. If you can't do it yourself, then you need to go to a doctor & get them out. They will continue to irritate the skin & can lead to infection at the site. I have had several abdominal surgeries, and I am a nurse. Unfortunately I have not had the surgery I most want yet. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Melissa Massey
I have one thread that is poking through. I assume that it is from the internal stitches. I tried to pull it out but it was attached so I just left it alone. I was going to ask the doctor about it when I go in on Monday for my 6 week checkup. It hasn't irritated my skin at all though. Don't know what to tell you otherwise.

Hey Kris,
I had two of these pesky little guys! One of them just came right off when I was washing it and the other held on for a few weeks. It finally came off one day and was only about 1/16th of an inch long once it came undone. It was quiet disconcerting to me too. Show it to your pcp. I just kept mine flush with the skin and it came out. Good luck to you!!!
kris i had this same thing. Mine eventually came out on their own. I dond't think we are supposed to get them removed. I think some wiggle their way out on their own when they are healed. If it pulls out easy then don't worry about it. Mine did and I am fine. I never went and had them removed and i think they are there to keep the insides still stiched up Your fine hun if you can cut them i did the same and eventually they came out on their own...