Tracy / Marty where are you???
Hmmm are you talkin' to me?
Wasn't sure if there was another Tracy on here but I will respond! I am doing fine, 12 days post op and down 14lbs. Of course it is the liquid diet -which I am hating. I am really craving some real food but I am not hungry. I drink 1 cup of broth 3 times a day, and in between drink gatorade, protein drink, and water. For snacks I have s/f Jello or s/f popsicles. I just miss food. Dr. Aceves post op diet is pretty strict but I am sticking to it. The way I have figured it, I don't get any real food until week 6, and that is just steamed veggies. But I can't wait! Next week I get to ad yogurt and fruit and CIB. I am counting down the days until tuesday!! Otherwise I feel great, I am moving around, trying to get a little walking in. I start back to work on Monday! I am actually looking forward to it after being off for 2 weeks. (Sshh you didn't hear me say that!)

Hey GerrAnn...
Yes I have been very busy at the Rodeo and we got a couple of nice days here so I have been outside. I am off this week for spring break so that will be nice. Eating is ok and I have come to realize that I do not think I will ever get that gratification that I use to get from eating, but that is a good thing. I'm still trying different things and just seeing what works. Today I am down 60 lbs and reall just can not believe it. Have you gone swimming yet? I sure do miss my hot tub and want to get back in it. Its funny sometimes I ask myself what my favorite food is now and really I do not know what is yours and how are you and Larry doing?
Hey Tracy
WOW your the man.. I knew after meeting you that you would do good with this surgery.. Are you still wearing your binder?? I just took mine off after 5 weeks, at night and if im just sitting around doing nothing.. Im still wearing it when I do cleaning and other things.. You asked about my favorite food??? Hummm.. Im not real fond of food anymore.. Just trying to get the meals in..I have noticed that when Larry is home on the week-ends I eat more and that is usually when the weight comes off.. Had a taco salad with him (split, well I had about 6 bites) and tuna casarole this weekend and lost 4 lbs.. Go figure.. I still like to see the food post.. That helps give me ideals!! Well dont get to busy and leave us!! Should have come here for spring break..
There busy on the lake!!!

thanks for askin'. i'm sorry to have slacked off. i'm just busy. trying to re-enter my single father of four kids and two jobs life and it is full. most nights, when i used to do my best oh reading and writing, i pass out as early as the schedule will permit. i can feel my stamina slowly growing and feel sure this is a temporary situation. i did start with vitamins and protein supplement in week three but don't feel a major difference just yet. life is good and if i ever get to my pcp, i'll give you real results and progress.
Hey Marty
Well I can see why you are tired after a days work.. My goodness, you sure are pushing yourself ... I'm sure things will improve as time goes by.. Just getting that blood presure down is a GREAT thing.. Dont forget about us. Im sure there are other men out there looking at having this surgery, and would appreciate your support...