Can we Drink 7UP ?
Hi Kay I have heard different suggestions on this. I was told we could not have any type of carbonated beverage including soda but was told if we let it go flat we could have diet soda as long as it's flat but I haven't had any soda and don't miss it now... However I wouldn't just because the 7-up probably has sugar in it and that might make her dump. Is she still feeling bad??
Hey Tami
Now you know that you are my dear friend and I would never give you a bad time for eating things that aren't good for you!!
Just so happens I had been looking for a girl scout sale myself...
Thank goodness I couldn't find them...
I agree on the tums and rolaids, I eat them everyday for the tummy gurgles..

hehehe...........your a sweety GerrAnn
I just have to everyone knows......i DIDN'T eat any of the cookies. I'm letting my boys have them as treats....but i'm staying far away. That first day they came was hard......but i got over it.
I was wondering, what did Kay do? Did they use 7up or what. Anyone know??? I hope things worked out.

Sorry GerrAnn - can't agree with you on that. If the 7-up is diet, it is absolutely better than having a girl scout cookie. You can get the 7-up down easier than the cookie which would likely make her very very sick.....
Not a good idea either way right now, but not much could be worse than a cookie right now IMO.
I definetly would NOT have soda at this point.
The carbonation will definetly stretch out her new baby pouch! The post on letting a beverage sit for 10 minutes to go flat first I believe is for at least 6 months out. Ginger will settle the stomach. Get chicken noodle soup, strain the noodles out and just use the broth. Add some ginger. I have always been in to the herbs for medicinal purposes when my children were little. The only question I have about ginger is, we are not allowed salt, pepper, or condiments, so you post ops out that a condiment?
Inquiring minds want to know!
Give her my love and tell her she is in my prayers!
