I'm finally in Mexico....
I had the pleasure to meet Gennie, her husband and her are wonderful.
She looks great and getting better. My big day is tomm. Please pray for me. Dr. Aguirre and Rosella and Banby are all what was said in this forum.
They are the best. Well guys is late and I've had a very lond day and I just wanted let you know that I'm ok.

Hi everyone,
I,m still here in the appartment. I,m 3 hours behind from home.
This is for my co-workers- I will be in the hospital
by 7am (mex time). right now is 5:34am here, but I,m use to Florida,s time so I woke up @ 4am. I will have the surgery by 9am (Mex time). Thank you all for all your paryers they must be working because I feel wonderfull and very excited
to get surgery finally done. My day is here and I'm so possitive about it all I know I get thru this and heal fast.
The weather her is owesome is in the 50's @ night and 70's during the days. Well Ivonne, Nelson, Marysol, Hey Mr. Jamaica, Kathy and Cyril.
I send you all a big
See ya in the loosing side