I'm Out Of The SUPER OBESE Catigory!!!!
I was filling out my personal stats for my first month and almost cried when i figured out my BMI and realised I wasn't in the SUPER OBESE (as if OBESE wasn't bad enough they had to add the word SUPER) catigory anymore.
I went to the Dr. and my Blood sugar is in the Exellent range and althought my blood pressure is a tiny bit high, it's NOTHING like it was before and I'm not on any meds. YEAH!!!!!
To me, this is what this was all about. I wanted to live to see my kids grow up, get married and have babies of their own (hopefully in that order). I wanted to experience life with them, not stand on the outside and watch.
I feel so blessed and greatfull!!!!
This message board and all the people here are part of the reason this happened for me. THANK YOU to all of you!!! YOUR THE BEST!!!!