Tracy, or recent post ops?
I am wondering about taking my pills for diabetes. They are huge! Even if I crush them up, will it make me sick since I won't be eating or drinking for 3 days? Will I be able to go 3 days without drinking since I am thirsty alot with diabetes? Did you take your blood pressure pills or leave them off? I am hoping to get off all pills but don't know how to handle this as a new pre-op. Any suggestions?
And one more question about the apt - Do they have microwaves?

Hi Genie:
I was on Diabeties meds & blood pressure meds. Dr. A suggested that i take my high blood pressure meds early the morning of the surgery with the least amount of water that i could. But not to take my blood sugar meds. I haven't taken anything since then. My blood pressure is in the normal to below normal range now and my blood sugar has been in the good - fair range. Dr. A doesn't want you taking any meds for 1 month. I'm planning on going to my Dr. this week to see if i still need them. PLEASE take enough of your meds for up to the surgery day and then ask Dr. A what he wants you to do. They can give you insulin if needed in the hospital and while your there. Just talk to Dr. A when you get there. I hope your surgery goes well and that soon you'll be off all your meds.
I only took my thyroid medicine the day of surgery with a sip of water. As far as my diabetes meds and blood pressure meds I haven't had any since the day before surgery. I did have to stop my glucophage like the week before surgery (there was a reason I can't remember why). My sugars have been excellent since surgery 98 to 110 my doctor has been very pleased. My A1C went from 7 and a half to 5. You won't be able to drink but I did rinse my mouth quite often (it was hard not to swallow but it did help). Good luck and I will keep you in my prayers for an uneventful surgery and a speedy recovery. You are in good hands and it is so worth it.
Thanks for your reply! Between yours and Tami's post, I am getting so encouraged and excited! I want off all my meds, but will be very happy if I can get it down to 2 or 3 a day! I was wondering about dry mouth, so I will remember that I can rinse and spit! I don't know what I would have done without all the wonderful people on this site! You are all awesome!
Thanks again!


Hey Genie it is getting close...
I have not taken any Diabetes or Blood pressure medicine since I had my surgery and they are both doing great. I did have to start taking a very small pill for gout because as soon as I got home I got gout in my right foot, but I have not had any more problems. Be sure to take your medicine with you and DR A will tell you what to take and when.
i was told to take my blood pressure meds early the morning of the surgery and when i was released from the hospital. i also took my diuretic. this was per doctor a. i did not take diabetes medicina and have not since. my blood sugar levels have been cut in half and my blood pressure has dropped 20% in less than two weeks. bottom line...bring it and dr. aguirre will tell you what to take and when.