3 Day to GO.....
Hey Candice! Isn't this exciting?
It's almost here! I know you will be fine, but I will keep you in my knee-mail!
C-continue to BREATHE!
A-ASAP (always say a prayer!)
N-No need to worry - God is in control!
D-Depend on God
I-I will pray for you without ceasing!
C-Continue to keep us posted!
E-Everything is going to be great!


Genie :wave

your going to do so well candice. I wish you all the luck in the world and hope you have a speedy recovery. Keep us all posted as much as possible those few days of healing you won't feel like sitting in front of the computer but hopefully your mom will let us know how your doing. Good luck sweety. Can't wait to have you in our club, not that you weren't already but then we can all call you a loser too lol
Big hugs