Friday Food Post. YAY FRIDAY
Good Morning Everyone
It is a beautiful morning here in Arizona. Finally suppose to warm up to the low 70's. Walked 30min. and 1 3/4 miles on the treadmill this morning.. Started at 20 mins. and 1/2 mile a week or so ago.. I am still eating 2-3oz of food per Dr. A's instructions for the first month. Here is my food list for the day
Protein Drink (and yes I'm a coffee person also so I have it in international coffee Francis)
3oz Carb Control Dannon yogurt
1 slice thin ham
2oz mac and cheese (leftovers for the next week)
3 oz tomato soup
4 crackers
proten drink
4 optisourse baractric vitamins (1 per meal)
B-complex sublingual that I found at walmart
4 tums for calcium
Water started tasting better last night for some reason..Go figure?? Can't stand the sweet drinks.. Thinking about making some sun tea..
Still working on 64oz...

Hey Tracy
I have a question for you?? Are you eating the crust on that yummy pot pie?? I was going to get one the other day but decided to wait because I knew I would eat the crust... Yummy yummy Daughter told me today to try cream cheese with the ham im having for lunch. Might just have to go check it out..

Gooooood Mornin' Cindy and GerrAnn!
Welp, so far, I am off to a runnin' start with good eating today.
wake up- 3 oz coffee with creamer
breakfast- one egg with light sour cream and left over veggies ans sharp cheddar
2 graham crackers ---oops gotta cut down on those. mmmm!
lunch- sliced bbq pork (costco) dipped in spicy mustard and sesame seeds. chew, chew..
dinner- maybe a lean cuisine? mabe Azteca mexican insides of a chick. enchilada w/refried beans, my faveorite.
protein shake samples if the UPS man would hurry up. Otherwise, I'll have the EAS coffee house nutrition shake
More later!
Mornin Cindy, Mother (oh, am I allowed to speak to you yet??
Today is a boring day..
B protein shake..I get mine from GNC, it's vanilla ice cream flavor..and i mix it in my coffee to make it go down. Has 23g protein each scoop.
L just finished 1/2 of a Lean Cuisine cheese lasagna with chicken scalopini
added extra mozz cheese...seems like a waste to throw the other half away, but have you ever tried re-heating these? eww
D not sure, sounds like homemade beef/cheese enchiladas not sure of a side item, still too full from lunch to think about dinner!
trying my hardest to get at least 60 oz water in today....looks like I'll be ok on the protein.