Very weak and worried
I'm getting weaker and weaker, and I'm worried about it. My pouch fills up so fast that I'm having trouble getting enough of anything in me. I try to have two 8 ounce protein drinks each day (each having 2 scoops of protein powder at 20g protein in each scoop), but I think I probably only end up getting down 1 to 1 1/4 of them in total. The water is a problem too. I am a water drinker, always have been, but I'm having a very difficult time getting enough water.
I'm still on full liquids for another week and a half, then I can move to pureed food.
I have a little cup that holds about 2 ounces of water. I watch the clock and try to drink everything in the cup every 15 minutes. That works for about an hour, but then if I try to drink anything I can feel it sitting in my esophogus, like the pouch is just too full and can't take anything more.
I ordered special bariatric vitamins but don't have them yet. In the meantime I'm taking 2 Flinstone vitamins a day.
I'm very weak. Walking downstairs and then coming back up is so exhausting that I have to lie down. Does this sound normal?
Jenny in Jamaica
lap RNY - Dr. Aceves - Feb 5, 2005
Hugs Jenny,
I think it has something to do with the liquid diet. Food and water is the stuff of life and you aren't getting much. The fact that many on this site have done it and so I know it's possible. By my second week out I was eating refried beans, cream of chicken soup and not too long after that tried an egg mashed up with mustard, cream of wheat with a little protein powder, ect...Have you tried any sugar free popscicles? Broth? They count as fluid. And fluid is the main thing...drink as if your life depends on it. It does!!!
Have you considered making contact with a local surgeon for follow up care?
Good luck sweety! Do NOT get dehydrated and if you feel you are not passing urine very often and if it is very dark in color at all and are weak too...get to the doctor for treatment. Dehydration is a very serious postop complication.
Big hugs to you,
Hey Jenny
Sorry to hear that you are having a loss of energy.. I felt really good after surgery until I got home and had sort of the same problems.. I ended up having a yeast infection that was zapping all of my energy.. I am lucky to get 32-48 oz of water in a day even now... But that is important it do.. Maybe you are trying to put it down too fast and you pouch is full.. I start the minute I get up trying to get everything in for the day.. It's a full time job!!! I also am having trouble with sweet things like you said before in a post.. Hate the sweet drinks but can't seem to drink water either... It probably wouldn't hurt to contact your doctor if you are having concerns... Good Luck...

I was tired all the time until I found a B-12 chewable vitamin that had 2500 mcg in's 46,000% of your daily B-12 requirement. Ever since taking that pill, I feel a lot better. More energy.
But you also have to remember that you are only a few weeks out. Your body will be a little weak and tired just trying to give all its energy to your recovery. For the first 3 weeks, all I wanted to do was sit in my recliner and watch tv. Very weak. Today I'm 4 weeks out and feel like a completely different person.
So the moral...hahah. Let your body's ok to be tired for the first few weeks. I am a pretty active person so it was very, very difficult for me, but I finally gave into it and now I feel better.
Hope you start to feel better
Hi Jenny!
I'm sorry to hear you are having an energy crisis. Try not to worry as stress is a big zapper of energy. You've received a lot of very good suggestions. I think once you can start eating some soft foods it will help you a lot. The water is extremely important so I hope you will be able to get your 64 oz. in each day. I agree you really have to work at it but it does get easier as time goes by. I still can't drink plain water. It feels like lead when it hits my pouch. You might try regular Kool-Aid and sweeten it with Splenda. I mix mine with less Splenda and more water than the package recommends. It's not as sweet tasting that way. I use the sublingual liquid B Complex vitamins. The B vitamins tend to help with energy. I hope you can find a local doctor that can work with you. Hang in there, it does get better!